Jena2 - OWL Syntax Checker - INSTALL ==================================== The OWL Syntax Checker is a separately downloadable component of Jena2. To install, first install Jena2 release 2.2 or later. Then unzip the owlsyntax download and also add owlsyntax.jar to your classpath. Getting started documentation for the syntax checker is in doc/index.html Compatibility information at time of release: owlsyntax Jena 1.0-beta1 none (works with 2.1, and 2.2 betas) should work, with Jena 2.2 (to be released) 1.1 2.3 To test your installation change directory into the unzipped download, and run either test.bat or The test program takes one argument, giving the pathname of your jena 2.2 download. e.g. if OWLSyntax-1.0 and Jena-2.2 are sibling directories run % ./ ../Jena-2.2 in the OWLSyntax-1.0 directory. Note: Jena versions between 2.1 and 2.2beta2 included the syntax checker. With Jena 2.2 we have decided to make it a separate component: this allows people who do not wish to use it, to have a smaller download, and allows the release cycles of Jena and the owlsyntax component to be decoupled.