This file specifies in RDF Schema format the built-in classes and properties that together form the basis of the RDF/XML syntax of OWL Full, OWL DL and OWL Lite. We do not expect people to import this file explicitly into their ontology. People that do import this file should expect their ontology to be an OWL Full ontology. $Id: OWLManifest.rdf,v 1.5 2003-09-25 07:50:01 jeremy_carroll Exp $ $Id: OWLManifest.rdf,v 1.5 2003-09-25 07:50:01 jeremy_carroll Exp $ A member of this class is an issue in some issue list. These tests use two documents. One is named importsNNN.rdf, the other is named mainNNN.rdf. These tests indicate the interaction between owl:imports and the sublanguage levels of the main document. A consistent OWL document. (One that does not entail falsehood). An inconsistent OWL document. (One that entails falsehood). This is a positive entailment test according to the OWL entailment rules. This is a negative entailment test according to the OWL entailment rules. This is a negative test. The input document contains some use of the OWL namespace which is not a feature of OWL. These typically show DAML+OIL features that are not being carried forward into OWL. 1 Illustrative of the use of OWL to describe OWL Full. The premise document, and its imports closure, entails the conclusion document. The conclusions follow from the empty premises. The object is a datatype that appears in one of the test files in the subject test. The subject test is valid only when the object datatype is included in the datatype theory. This property relates a test to a language feature. The language feature is usually indicated by a class or property. A string valued property that gives a numeral (or some other quasi-numeric string) associated with an issue. Indicates the conformance level of a document or test in the OWL test suite. Jeremy J. Carroll OWL DL Sytntax Structure sharing is not permitted in OWL DL, between two class descriptions. Jeremy J. Carroll If the owl:disjointWith edges in the graph form undirected complete subgraphs which share blank nodes then this is not within OWL DL. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows a potential misapplication of OWL Full comprehension rules. It also shows optional type triples on an owl:Restriction. Jeremy J. Carroll If an OWL Lite document imports an OWL DL document then it becomes OWL DL. Ian Horrocks Semantic Layering This is a typical definition of range from description logic. It works both ways. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.1 Peter F. Patel-Schneider UniqueProp BadName If prop belongs to owl:FunctionalProperty then an OWL individual has at most one value for prop. Jos De Roo The order of the instances in an owl:oneOf construct is unimportant. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact2.1 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t5.1 Non-finite model example from paper The concept should be coherent but has no finite model Jeremy J. Carroll owl:sameAs is stronger than owl:equivalentClass. Jeremy J. Carroll This test illustrates the use of an undeclared user defined datatype. The document is hence in Full. Adding Properties to Other Classes Jos De Roo differentFrom is a SymmetricProperty. Closed Sets Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.1 Despite the property URI, the document indicated by this property may or may not be imported into the test. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t5.1 Non-finite model example from paper The concept should be coherent but has no finite model Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn2.2 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by number restrictions Ian Horrocks Language Compliance Levels The union of two classes can be defined using OWL Lite restrictions, and owl:intersectionOf. Qualified Restrictions Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_branch ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn1.4 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by disjoint concept Jeremy J. Carroll The inverse entailment also holds. Feature decision for CL1 cardinality Jeremy J. Carroll A simple test for infinite loops in imports processing code. Dan Connolly Uniform treatment of literal data values stateCode example using an inverseFunctionalProperty and literals Jeremy J. Carroll An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand for a pair of owl:minCardinality and owl:maxCardinality constraints. Jeremy J. Carroll Classes can be the object of annotation properties in OWL Lite and DL. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_poly ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t2.1 Jeremy J. Carroll All xsd:byte are xsd:short. Ontology versioning Jeremy J. Carroll De Morgan's law. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7f.1 Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes with the same partial description are not equivalent. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows a relationship between integer addition and OWL Full. Jeremy J. Carroll In OWL Full, the triple in the premises is synonymous with the triple in the conclusions. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t2.1 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_path ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Jeremy J. Carroll This entailment can be replicated for any three natural numbers i, j, k such that i+j >= k. In this example, they are chosen as 2, 3 and 5. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7f.1 Martin Dürst, Masayasu Ishikawa This test shows how user labels in a variety of languages can be used. Note the use of ruby annotation. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact1.1 If a, b and c are disjoint, then: (a and b) or (b and c) or (c and a) is unsatisfiable. Jim Hendler DatatypeProperty's may be used to related typed literals to typed literals, in OWL Full. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows integer multiplication in OWL DL, interacting with infinity.

N times infinity is 2 times infinity. M times infinity is 3 times infinity. N times M times infinity is 5 times infinity.
Jeremy J. Carroll Structure sharing is not permitted in OWL DL, between an owl:equivalentClass triple and a type triple. Jeremy J. Carroll If the owl:disjointWith edges in the graph form unconnected undirected complete subgraphs then this may be within OWL DL. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn4.2 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests role restrictions Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows OWL Lite syntax for using two equivalent restrictions. Jeremy J. Carroll Importing OWL Full documents may change the level of OWL Lite or OWL DL documents. Ian Horrocks This is a typical definition of range from description logic. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t1.3 Jeremy J. Carroll If the range of prop is a singleton set then it is necessarily functional, (i.e. every member of its domain has a single value) and so it is an owl:FunctionalProperty. Jos De Roo oneOf describes a class by enumerating its individuals. Jeremy J. Carroll In OWL Lite and DL the subject and object of a triple with predicate owl:backwardCompatibleWith must both be explicitly typed as owl:Ontology. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact1.1 If a, b and c are disjoint, then: (a and b) or (b and c) or (c and a) is unsatisfiable. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t4.1 Dynamic blocking example Jeremy J. Carroll sameAs and sameIndividualAs are equivalent. Jeremy J. Carroll This test illustrates the use of a user defined datatype. The informal description has no formal semantics. Feature decision for CL1 local range Jeremy J. Carroll dc:creator may be declared as an annotation property. DAML+OIL semantics is too weak Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t1.3 Trust and Ontology Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t4.1 Dynamic blocking example Jeremy J. Carroll The names used in a DAML+OIL qualified min cardinality constraint are not defined the OWL namespace. Ian Horrocks The union of two classes can be defined using OWL Lite restrictions, and owl:intersectionOf. Jeremy J. Carroll A reasoner can also deduce that hasLeader is a subProperty of hasHead and hasHead is a subProperty of hasLeader. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn1.3 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by disjoint concept Jeremy J. Carroll An inverse to test 003. Jeff Heflin A Lite version of test imports-001. Jeremy J. Carroll Another simple example; contrast with owl:someValuesFrom. Jeremy J. Carroll An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand for a pair of owl:minCardinality and owl:maxCardinality constraints. Jeremy J. Carroll Classes cannot be the object of regular properties in OWL DL. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_ph ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t12.1 Jeremy J. Carroll There are 128 different values of xsd:byte that are also xsd:unsignedInt. Jeremy J. Carroll hasLeader may be stated to be the owl:equivalentProperty of hasHead. Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes with the same partial description are not the same. Jeremy J. Carroll If the domain of prop is a singleton set then it is necessarily inverse functional, (i.e. every member of its range is the value of a single item) so it is an owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7.3 Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes with the same complete description are equivalent. Jeremy J. Carroll In OWL Full every rdfs:Class is an owl:Class, in particular rdfs:Class is an owl:Class. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t12.1 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_lin ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7.3 Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows integer multiplication in OWL DL.

N is 200. M is 300. N times M is 600.
Jeremy J. Carroll Structure sharing is not permitted in OWL DL, between a class description and a type triple. Jeremy J. Carroll This example has owl:disjointWith edges in the graph which cannot be generated by the mapping rules for DisjointClasses. Consider the lack of owl:disjointWith edge between nodes C and D. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn4.1 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests role restrictions Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows syntax that is not permitted in OWL Lite or OWL DL for using the same restriction twice. Jeff Heflin If a document imports a document which in turn imports a third document, then it entails anything which is entailed by the conjunction of the statements from the three documents. That is, imports is transitive. Jonathan Borden OWL, unlike RDFS, uses iff semantics for range. Jeremy J. Carroll If prop is an owl:FunctionalProperty, then its inverse is an owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. Jeremy J. Carroll oneOf does not indicate that the named individuals are distinct. Thus a consistent interpretation of this file is when all the individual names denote the same individual. Jeremy J. Carroll An example of use. Jeremy J. Carroll This is a variation of equivalentClass-001, showing the use of two owl:Ontology triples in the premises. Jeremy J. Carroll sameAs and sameIndividualAs are equivalent. Jeremy J. Carroll There might be only 128 different values of xsd:byte that are also xsd:unsignedInt; but this does not follow from the datatype theory of this test. (cf. the similar inconsistency test). Jeremy J. Carroll The use of blank nodes in OWL DL and OWL Lite is restricted. Jeremy J. Carroll Annotations participate a little in the semantics. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t1.2 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7.2 should-OWL-provide-synonyms-for-RDF-and-RDFS-objects Jeremy J. Carroll owl:samePropertyAs is not an OWL property. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t3a.3 There are 42,525 possible partitions in the satisfiable case Guide editors Food example taken from the guide. Jeremy J. Carroll The names used in a DAML+OIL qualified max cardinality constraint are not defined the OWL namespace. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn1.4 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by disjoint concept Ian Horrocks The complement of a class can be defined using OWL Lite restrictions. Jos De Roo AllDistinct is a subclass of rdf:List Jeremy J. Carroll hasLeader may be stated to be the samePropertyAs hasHead. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn1.2 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by disjoint concept Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7.2 Jeremy J. Carroll List syntax or semantics rdf:nil cannot have an rdf:first property. Dan Connolly If the pair (x,y) is an instance of P, than the pair (y,x) is an instance of the named property. Jeremy J. Carroll Sets with appropriate extensions are related by unionOf. Jeremy J. Carroll This test specifies the domain and range for owl:imports. Jeremy J. Carroll A simple example. Jeremy J. Carroll An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand for a pair of owl:minCardinality and owl:maxCardinality constraints. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_path ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t11.1 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn3c.1 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by number restrictions and role hierarchy Extra-logical feature set Jeremy J. Carroll There are precisely 128 different values of xsd:byte that are also xsd:unsignedInt. Jeremy J. Carroll If p and q have the same property extension then p owl:equivalentProperty q. Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes with the same complete description are the same. Jeremy J. Carroll If prop is an owl:InverseFunctionalProperty, then its inverse is an owl:FunctionalProperty. Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes may be different names for the same set of individuals Ian Horrocks This is a different encoding of test 502. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t11.1 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_grz ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Jos De Roo using distinctMembers to derive differentFrom Jeremy J. Carroll The informal semantics indicated by comments concerning user defined classes are not respected by the formal machinery of OWL. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows integer multiplication in OWL DL.

N is 20. M is 30. N times M is 600.
Jeremy J. Carroll If the owl:disjointWith edges in the graph form an undirected complete subgraph then this may be within OWL DL. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows syntax that is not permitted in OWL Lite or OWL DL for using the same restriction twice. Jeff Heflin If a premise document uses a namespace but does not import the document corresponding to the namespace, then the premises do not necessarily entail anything that is entailed by the conjunction of the two documents. Jeremy J. Carroll This entailment is similar to one that does not hold in RDFS. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t1.1 Jeremy J. Carroll If prop belongs to owl:FunctionalProperty, and subject denotes a resource which is the subject of two prop triples, then the objects of these triples have the same denotation.Hence any assertion made using one of them can be transferred to the other. Adding Properties to Other Instances Jeremy J. Carroll The blank nodes in a class description in OWL DL may not form a directed cycle. Jeremy J. Carroll This is a variation of equivalentClass-001, showing the use of owl:Ontology triple only in the conclusions. Jos De Roo The empty graph entails that xsd:integer and xsd:string are a rdfs:Datatype Jeremy J. Carroll An OWL Lite version of test 007. Cardinality Constructs Levels Jeremy J. Carroll Annotations participate a little in the semantics. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t1.1 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7.1 Jeremy J. Carroll owl:sameClassAs is not an OWL property. Ordered Property Values Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t3a.2 There are 7,770 possible partitions in the unsatisfiable case Guide editors Wine example taken from the guide. Jeremy J. Carroll The names used in a DAML+OIL qualified cardinality constraint are not defined the OWL namespace. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn1.3 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by disjoint concept Ian Horrocks The complement of a class can be defined using OWL Lite restrictions. Jos De Roo using AllDistinct to derive differentFrom Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn1.1 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by disjoint concept Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7.1 Charles White An example combining owl:oneOf and owl:inverseOf. Jeremy J. Carroll rdf:nil cannot have an rdf:rest property. Jos De Roo A union behaves quite like set theoretic union. Jeremy J. Carroll An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand for a pair of owl:minCardinality and owl:maxCardinality constraints. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_lin ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.5 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn3.2 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by number restrictions and role hierarchy Peter F. Patel-Schneider There are only 128 different values of xsd:byte that are also xsd:unsignedInt. Jeremy J. Carroll If p and q have the same property extension then p equivalentProperty q. Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes may be different names for the same set of individuals Ian Horrocks This is a typical definition of range from description logic. It works both ways. Jeremy J. Carroll If prop belongs to owl:InverseFunctionalProperty, and object denotes a resource which is the object of two prop triples, then the subjects of these triples have the same denotation. Hence any assertion made using one of them can be transferred to the other. Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes may be different names for the same set of individuals Jeremy J. Carroll This description cannot be expressed as a multicomponent restriction in the abstract syntax. Ian Horrocks This is a different encoding of test 501. Jeremy J. Carroll This entailment does not hold under the RDF Semantics, but does under the RDFS Compatible Semantics for OWL. Jeremy J. Carroll Annotation properties refer to a class instance. sameAs, in OWL Full, also refers to the class instance. Jeremy J. Carroll An empty owl:Class has the same class extension as owl:Nothing. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.5 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_dum ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Jeremy J. Carroll A possible mapping of the EquivalentClasses axiom, which is connected but without a Hamiltonian path. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows a correct application of OWL Full comprehension rules. It also shows that use of rdfs:Class instead of owl:Class may make a file fall outside OWL DL. Jeremy J. Carroll Test illustrating extensional semantics of owl:TransitiveProperty. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn4.1 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests role restrictions Jeremy J. Carroll The informal semantics for RDF container vocabulary, indicated by the comment, are not respected by the formal machinery of OWL. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows integer multiplication in OWL DL.

N is 2. M is 3. N times M is 6.
Jeremy J. Carroll Disjoint classes have different members. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows the syntax for using the same restriction twice in OWL Lite. Sean Bechhofer A test for the interaction of one-of and inverse using the idea of a spy point. Everything is related to the spy via the property p and we know that the spy has at most two invP successors, thus limiting the cardinality of the domain to being at most 2. Jeff Heflin If a document imports another document, then it entails anything that is entailed by the conjunction of the two documents. Jeremy J. Carroll This shows that an OWL consistency checker which does not support the datatype rdf:XMLLiteral should not detect inconsistencies depending on it. This file is inconsistent with a datatype theory which supports rdf:XMLLiteral, but consistent in this test, which excludes such support. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact4.2 Jeremy J. Carroll If prop belongs to owl:FunctionalProperty, and subject denotes a resource which is the subject of two prop triples, then the objects of these triples have the same denotation. Jeremy J. Carroll The blank nodes in a class description in OWL DL may not form a directed cycle. Jeremy J. Carroll If the owl:disjointWith edges in the graph form undirected complete subgraphs which share URIref nodes but do not share blank node then this may be within OWL DL. Jeremy J. Carroll This is a variation of equivalentClass-001, showing the use of owl:Ontology triple only in the conclusions. Jeremy J. Carroll It is often possible to import an ordinary RDFS document unchanged into an OWL Lite document. Aditional type declarations may be needed in the importing document. Jeremy J. Carroll 0 is the only xsd:nonNegativeInteger which is also an xsd:nonPositiveInteger. Jeremy J. Carroll Any RDF/XML document is in OWL Full. URI naming of instances Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact4.2 Local Restrictions Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t6f.1 Double blocking example. The concept should be incoherent but needs double blocking Jeremy J. Carroll owl:sameIndividualAs is not an OWL property. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t3a.1 there are 1,701 possible partitions in the satisfiable case Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn1.2 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by disjoint concept Ian Horrocks A class like owl:Nothing can be defined using OWL Lite restrictions. Malformed DAML+OIL Restrictions Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t6f.1 Double blocking example. The concept should be incoherent but needs double blocking Charles White An example combinging owl:oneOf and owl:inverseOf. Jeremy J. Carroll rdf:rest is a FunctionalProperty. Jos De Roo A union is a superclass of its parts. Jeremy J. Carroll Under the rdfs compatible semantics, the previous non-entailment is, in fact, an entailment. Jos De Roo A property with maximum cardinality of two cannot take three distinct values on some subject node. In this example, one of the three values is implicit. Jeremy J. Carroll An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand for a pair of owl:minCardinality and owl:maxCardinality constraints. Structured Datatypes Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_grz ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.4 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn3.1 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by number restrictions and role hierarchy Jeremy J. Carroll hasLeader may be stated to be the samePropertyAs hasHead. Peter F. Patel-Schneider There are 256 different values for xsd:byte. Jos De Roo The order of the classes in an intersectionOf construct is unimportant. Jeremy J. Carroll The inverse entailment of test 002 also holds. XML presentation syntax Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes may be different names for the same set of individuals Ian Horrocks This is a typical definition of range from description logic. Jeremy J. Carroll If prop belongs to owl:InverseFunctionalProperty, and object denotes a resource which is the object of two prop triples, then the subjects of these triples have the same denotation. Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes may have the same class extension. Jeremy J. Carroll Abstract syntax restrictions with multiple components are in OWL DL. Jeremy J. Carroll This is the classic 3 SAT problem.
c genAlea with seed 67700557
p cnf 9 45
1 2 -4 0
-3 6 -4 0
9 -4 5 0
4 -6 -2 0
-2 -3 1 0
-3 8 7 0
-8 -2 3 0
-7 -6 9 0
1 -4 -6 0
-8 -5 -3 0
4 3 6 0
2 -1 4 0
-3 8 2 0
6 -2 9 0
7 -9 -2 0
2 -5 -7 0
5 2 9 0
6 -2 -7 0
-9 3 -2 0
1 7 4 0
-4 1 9 0
2 1 -6 0
7 -4 9 0
-5 3 -9 0
-4 9 -8 0
4 3 9 0
-7 9 5 0
4 1 3 0
-5 8 7 0
8 -7 3 0
4 -8 6 0
4 6 -5 0
-6 1 -9 0
1 9 -6 0
9 -8 3 0
6 3 -4 0
8 -4 6 0
-3 5 -8 0
-9 4 3 0
8 -4 2 0
-5 -2 -9 0
-7 -3 -4 0
-9 -4 -8 0
6 -4 -1 0
6 -7 -8 0
Herman ter Horst This entailment does not hold under the RDF Semantics, but does under the RDFS Compatible Semantics for OWL. Entailing inconsistencies Jeremy J. Carroll 0 is the only xsd:nonNegativeInteger which is also an xsd:nonPositiveInteger. 0 is an xsd:short. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.4 Jeremy J. Carroll The triple asserts something of type owl:Nothing, however that is the empty class. Jos De Roo A Lite version of test 001. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_d4 ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t8.1 Jeremy J. Carroll Annotation properties refer to a class instance. equivalentClass refers to the class extension. Jeremy J. Carroll A more difficult prime factorization example. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows a potential misapplication of OWL Full comprehension rules. It also shows optional type triples on an owl:Class. Jos De Roo A simple illustration of transitivity. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t3.2 There are 301 possible partitions in the unsatisfiable case Jeremy J. Carroll This non-entailment can be replicated for any three natural numbers i, j, k such that i+j < k. In this example, they are chosen as 200, 300 and 600. Definitional Constraints on Conjunctive Types Jeremy J. Carroll Disjoint classes have different members. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t8.1 Jeremy J. Carroll This shows a simple inconsistency depending on the datatype rdf:XMLLiteral. This file is inconsistent with a datatype theory which supports rdf:XMLLiteral, and consistent otherwise. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact4.1 Jos De Roo complementOf is a SymmetricProperty. Jeremy J. Carroll Structure sharing is not permitted in OWL DL, between an owl:equivalentClass triple and an owl:disjointWith triple. Jeremy J. Carroll A further example that cannot be generated from the mapping rule for DisjointClasses. Jeremy J. Carroll This is a variation of equivalentClass-001, showing the use of owl:Ontology triples in the premises and conclusions. Jeremy J. Carroll The type declarations required by semantic layering can be imported into an OWL Lite or OWL DL file. Jeremy J. Carroll A minimal OWL Lite version of test 005. Jeremy J. Carroll A simple example showing how owl:someValuesFrom differs from owl:allValuesFrom. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact4.1 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t6.1 Double blocking example. The concept should be incoherent but needs double blocking Jeremy J. Carroll owl:equivalentClass is not related to annotations on classes. Jeremy J. Carroll This test illustrates the use of an undeclared user defined datatype. The document is hence in Full. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn1.1 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by disjoint concept Ian Horrocks A class like owl:Nothing can be defined using OWL Lite restrictions. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t6.1 Double blocking example. The concept should be incoherent but needs double blocking Jeremy J. Carroll rdf:first is a FunctionalProperty. Ian Horrocks The construct used here shows how to express mutual disjointness between classes with O(N) triples. Range restrictions should not be separate URIs Jeremy J. Carroll The semantics of annotations in the direct semantics strictly distinguishes class valued annotations from individual valued annotations. Jos De Roo A property with maximum cardinality of two cannot take three distinct values on some subject node. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_dum ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.3 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn2.2 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by number restrictions Jeremy J. Carroll If p and q have the same property extension then they p samePropertyAs q. Jeremy J. Carroll Annotation properties refer to a class instance. sameIndividualAs, in OWL Full, also refers to the class instance. Peter F. Patel-Schneider There are only 256 different values for xsd:byte. Jeremy J. Carroll A reasoner can also deduce that hasLeader is a subProperty of hasHead and hasHead is a subProperty of hasLeader. Jeremy J. Carroll Two classes may be different names for the same set of individuals Jonathan Borden OWL, unlike RDFS, uses iff semantics for range. Jeremy J. Carroll This document is OWL Lite according to the 3rd February working draft and to the 15th February editor's draft . Jeremy J. Carroll This is the classic 3 SAT problem.
c genAlea with seed 1366722535
p cnf 9 45
7 -9 -8 0
1 2 -8 0
4 7 -5 0
2 3 -1 0
-1 5 8 0
-8 -6 -3 0
-3 -8 7 0
-3 6 8 0
-4 -6 8 0
6 7 3 0
3 6 -9 0
-5 -2 3 0
5 8 2 0
-2 -7 -3 0
-6 -8 -5 0
2 7 -3 0
9 -1 -2 0
1 7 -6 0
1 9 -3 0
-8 -9 -2 0
-9 -8 2 0
5 8 4 0
-7 2 5 0
-1 7 -4 0
7 -8 4 0
-3 2 -6 0
1 -2 -9 0
7 3 -2 0
-7 8 4 0
1 -7 -5 0
-5 4 -3 0
6 7 -1 0
-1 7 -9 0
3 2 6 0
8 3 -7 0
-1 9 -8 0
5 -9 -7 0
-7 3 -9 0
3 -1 -2 0
6 1 4 0
6 -7 5 0
8 -6 3 0
5 -2 6 0
8 3 -5 0
-2 -4 -9 0
Jeremy J. Carroll Under the RDFS compatible semantics the entailment holds. Jeremy J. Carroll An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand for a pair of owl:minCardinality and owl:maxCardinality constraints. Jeremy J. Carroll -1 is an xsd:short that is not an xsd:unsignedShort; 100000 is an xsd:unsignedInt that is not an xsd:unsignedShort; but there are no xsd:unsignedShort which are neither xsd:short nor xsd:unsignedInt Unnamed Individual Restrictions Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.3 Jeremy J. Carroll Jos De Roo Test illustrating extensional semantics of owl:SymmetricProperty. Jeremy J. Carroll The extension of owl:Thing may not be emtpy in OWL Full. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_branch ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Jeremy J. Carroll The name UnambiguousProperty is not defined in the OWL namespace. daml:UnambiguousProperty corresponds to owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7f.3 Jeremy J. Carroll De Morgan's law. Jeremy J. Carroll Prime factorization can be expressed in OWL Full. Jeremy J. Carroll Annotations about owl:Class are not related to those about rdfs:Class. Internet Media Type for OWL Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t3.1 There are 90 possible partitions in the satisfiable case Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_poly ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Jeremy J. Carroll This entailment can be replicated for any three natural numbers i, j, k such that i+j >= k. In this example, they are chosen as 200, 300 and 500. Compound Keys Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7f.3 Jeremy J. Carroll This shows that initial whitespace in an rdf:XMLLiteral is significant within OWL. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact3.1 Jeremy J. Carroll Structure sharing is not permitted in OWL DL, between a class description and an owl:disjointWith triple. Jeremy J. Carroll If the owl:disjointWith edges in the graph form undirected complete subgraphs which share URIref nodes but do not share blank node then this may be within OWL DL. Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows a correct application of OWL Full comprehension rules. It also shows that optional type triples on an owl:Restriction do not replace the obligatory ones. Jeremy J. Carroll The type declarations required by semantic layering can be imported into an OWL Lite or OWL DL file. Jeremy J. Carroll Any RDF/XML document is in OWL Full. Jeremy J. Carroll This test illustrates the use of dataRange in OWL DL. This test combines some of the ugliest features of XML, RDF and OWL. Jeremy J. Carroll A simple example. Enumerated Classes Jeremy J. Carroll There are 128 different bytes that are also unsigned integers; and hence also 127. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact3.1 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t5f.1 Non-finite model example from paper The concept should be coherent but has no finite model Jeremy J. Carroll owl:sameAs is stronger than owl:equivalentClass. Jeremy J. Carroll This test illustrates the use of a user defined datatype. The informal description has no formal semantics. Jos De Roo using distinctMembers to derive differentFrom Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t5f.1 Non-finite model example from paper The concept should be coherent but has no finite model Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows integer multiplication in OWL DL.

N is 20. M is 30. N times M is not 601.
Jeremy J. Carroll daml:disjointUnionOf did not make it into OWL. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_d4 ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.2 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: heinsohn2.1 Tbox tests from [Heinsohn et al.] Tests incoherency caused by number restrictions Jeremy J. Carroll If p and q have the same property extension then they p samePropertyAs q. Jeremy J. Carroll hasLeader may be stated to be the owl:equivalentProperty of hasHead. Jeremy J. Carroll This entailment is similar to one that does not hold in RDFS. Jeremy J. Carroll The name UniqueProperty is not defined in the OWL namespace. daml:UniqueProperty corresponds to owl:FunctionalProperty. Jeremy J. Carroll Class valued annotations are different from object valued annotations under the direct semantics. Jeremy J. Carroll An owl:cardinality constraint is simply shorthand for a pair of owl:minCardinality and owl:maxCardinality constraints. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t2.2 Jeremy J. Carroll -1 is an xsd:short that is not an xsd:unsignedByte. Jeremy J. Carroll De Morgan's law. Does OWL provide built in 'model checking' functionality Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t10.2 Jos De Roo A simple illustration of symmetric properties. Jeremy J. Carroll The extension of OWL Thing may be emtpy. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7f.2 Jeremy J. Carroll De Morgan's law. hasClass ToClass names Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows a relationship between integer multiplication and OWL Full. Jeremy J. Carroll In OWL Full, the triple in the premises is synonymous with the triple in the conclusions. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t2.2 Sean Bechhofer DL Test: k_ph ABox test from DL98 systems comparison. Jeremy J. Carroll This non-entailment can be replicated for any three natural numbers i, j, k such that i+j < k. In this example, they are chosen as 2, 3 and 6. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: t7f.2 Jeremy J. Carroll This shows that insignificant whitespace in an rdf:XMLLiteral is not significant within OWL. Sean Bechhofer DL Test: fact2.1 Jos De Roo using oneOfDistinct to derive differentFrom Jos De Roo using AllDifferent to derive differentFrom Jeremy J. Carroll This test shows integer multiplication in OWL DL.

For some finite K, N times K is 2 times K. M times K is 3 times K. N times M times K is not 5 times K.