RDQL ==== Andy Seaborne andy_seaborne@hp.com Current home: http://www.hpl.hp.com/semweb/ RDQL is a query engine for Jena. It provides the SquishQL language (see the grammar file for exact details). Please see the web site for latest details. Command Line ============ Try: java -cp ... jena.rdfquery Type of Model Source ==================== If not specified some other way (e.g. the command line), the FROM clause in a query will identify an RDF model. Additional, if the model URI ends ".nt" it is assumed to be an N-Triple file; if it is .rdf, it assumed to be XML; if it is .bdb, it is assumed to be a file that is a BerkeleyDB database in the same directory as the BerkeleyDB environment files. BerkeleyDB ========== Jena includes a persistent store based on BerkeleyDB, available from http://www.sleepycat.com/. You will need to put the BerkeleyDB binaries where the JVM can load them. RDQL can be used with BerkeleyDB models. To name the source in a query or from the commandline, give the filename of the database: used this way, the databases files must be in the same directory as the BerkeleyDB environment. When programmatically specified, there is no such restrictions. SQL Persistent Storage ====================== Jena includes a flexible SQL store that can be used for a variety of different storage layouts. A number of database systesm can be used including Postgres, MySQL and Interbase. To use this, you will need JDBC set up on your machine for the appropriate database system. RDQL can b eused to query such databases. The source is named via the "jdbc:" URI. Test ==== # Internal test java -cp ... jena.rdfquery --test # Query validation java -cp ... jena.rdfquery --test The normal test file is modules/rdf/regression/testRDQL/_control_ The test run should be in the main directory (the single top level directory of the zip file). Support & Feedback ================== I would like to hear any comments you have about RDQL. RDQL, like the rest of Jena, comes with no commercial support. I will do what I can to answer any questions and fix any bugs. We use the mailing list jena-dev@yahoogroups.com (http://yahoogroups.com/group/jena-dev) for Jena support.