Version history: ARP-1_0_0 July 18th 2001 Initial version. ARP-1_0_1 July 24th 2001 'improved' syntax error messages. Added xml:lang checking against RFC3066; unfortunately Xerces 1_4_0 uses older syntax that prohibits ISO-639-2 language codes. Defined JenaReader.setProperties. Changed rdf:aboutEach syntax for clearer error messages. ARP-1_0_2 July 26th 2001 Changed package name, prior to first public announcement. ARP-1_0_3 August 3rd 2001 Fixed path in README Fixed spurious attribute errors outside embedded RDF. Issue diagnostic in JenaReader with null or empty string xml:base arg. Discard xml:space, and other xml attributes. Shortened org.apache.xerces.utils.URI$MalformedURIException in error messages. Fixed a specific syntax error message such as that seen in ARP-1_0_4 September 21st 2001 Added Internationalization on rdf:about rdf:ID etc. (Conforming with [CHARMOD]). Changed behaviour in JenaReader when given "" as xmlBase, now takes this as an instruction to generate relative URIs. Test against W3C test cases. Fails 2 that I believe are in error. ARP-1_0_5 September 28th 2001 Integrated with Jena 1.2.0 Fixed rdf:parseType="Literal" a bit. Jena-1.5.0 July 2nd 2002 Major ARP update to conform with March syntax and April test cases working drafts.