ARP Another RDF Parser ====================== Author: Jeremy Carroll The RDF/XML Parser of the Jena toolkit. --------------------------------------- Version 1_5_0, 2nd July 2002 Jena homepage: Standalone ARP homepage: Quickstart ========== In Jena, ARP is now the default XML parser, and no action is needed to use it. jena.rdfcopy and jena.rdfcompare use ARP. Standalone Quickstart ===================== java -cp "arp.jar;xerces.jar;icu4j.jar" com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.NTriple [ rdf-file ] [ url ] Produces n-triples corresponding to an RDF file. I use xerces-1_4_4, and java 1.3.1. See apidocs/com/hp/hpl/jena/rdf/arp/NTriple.html for more command-line arguments. Dependencies ============ These are the version numbers I use: Java Xerces Jena JavaCC Use: 1.3.1 1_4_4 1.5.0 (optional) - Development: 1.3.1 1_4_4 1.5.0 (needed) 2.0 I believe earlier versions of Java and Xerces will probably work.