Universal Joint Task List http://orlando.drc.com/daml/ontology/TaskListUJTLScenario/3.1.1/TaskListUJTLScenario-ont.daml http://orlando.drc.com/daml/ontology/TaskListUJTLScenario/3.2/TaskListUJTLScenario-ont.daml 3.2 TeamXML@drc.com DRC 2002-02-27 published This is an ontology to describe a particular scenario or activity list defined from the Universal Joint Task List (UJTL). It references the task list ontology, and defines task categories and the relationships between them. Activity Lists Starting activity for the Scenario Activity This class represents information about Strategic National Level (SN) Activities. The SN task operation is perfromed by ST, OP, TA or possibly other SN tasks. The SN task operation supports possibly other SN tasks. This class represents information about Strategic Theater Level (ST) Activities. The ST task operation is perfromed by OP, TA or possibly other ST tasks. The ST task operation supports SN tasks and possibly other ST tasks. This class represents information about Operational Level (OP) Activities. The OP task operation may be perfromed by TA and possibly other OP tasks. The OP task operation supports SN, ST and possibly other OP tasks. This class represents information about Tactical Level (TA) Activities. The TA task operation may be perfromed by possibly other TA tasks. The TA task operation supports SN, ST, OP and possibly other TA tasks. has Activity Stategic National Level Activity Defined By Stategic Theater Level Activity Defined By Operational Level Activity Defined By Tactical Level Activity Defined By Operation Performed By Strategic National Activity Operation Performed By Strategic Theater Activity Operation Performed By Opeartional Level Activity Operation Performed By Tactical Level Activity Supports Operation For Strategic National Activity Supports Operation For Strategic Theater Activity Supports Operation For Opeartional Level Activity Supports Operation For Tactical Level Activity Description