Glossary Ontology 3.1 DRC 2001-09-19 published A sample glossary ontology, with data types taken from ISO 12200 and ISO 12620 Glossary Many of the data categories reflect categories found in ISO12200 and ISO 12620 Glossary Name Has Description Has Term Entry Term Entry Entry will contain descriptive and administrative data and be made up of one or more terms for a complete terminological entry Term Entry For Has Term Has Main Term Choosen to head a terminological entry. Only one main term per TermEntry allowed Term Term class will contain a Term Name and associated descriptive and administrative data Term For Main Term For Choosen to head a terminological entry. Only one main term per TermEntry allowed Synonym For Any term that represents that same or a very similar concept as the referenced term entry Has Synonym Any term that represents that same or a very similar concept as the referenced term entry Quasi Synonym For A term that represents the same or a very similar concept as another term in the same language, but for which interchnageability is limited to some contexts and inapplicablein others Has Quasi Synonym A term that represents the same or a very similar concept as another term in the same language, but for which interchnageability is limited to some contexts and inapplicablein others Common Name For A synonym for an international scientific term that is used in general discourse in a given language Has Common Name A synonym for an international scientific term that is used in general discourse in a given language Full Form For The complete representation of a term for which there is an abbreviated form Has Full Form The complete representation of a term for which there is an abbreviated form Abbreviated Form A term resulting in the omission of any part of the full term while designating the same concept Abbreviation An abbreviated form of a simple term resulting from the omission of some of its letters Short Form A variant of a multiword term that incldes fewer words than the full form of the term Initialism An abbreviated form of a term consisting of some of the inital letters of the words making up a multiword term of the term elements making up a compound term when these letters are pronounced individually Acronym An abbreviated form of a term made up of letters from the full form of a multiword term strung together into a sequence pronounced only syllabically Clipped Term An abbreviated form of a term resulting fromthe omission of one or more term elements or syllables Variant For One of the aternate forms of a term Has Variant One of the aternate forms of a term Symbol A designation of a concept by letters, numerals, pictograms or any combination thereof Formula Figures, symbols of the like used to express a concept briefly, such as a mathematical of chemical formula Equation An expression used to represent a concept based on a statment that two mathematical expreesions are, for instance, equal as identified by the equal sign, of assigned to one another by a similar sign Logical Expression An expression used to represent a concept based on mathematical or logical relations, such as statements of inequality, set relationships, boolean operations, and the like Grammar Grammatical information about a term Part Of Speech A category assigned to a word based on its grammatical and semantic properties. Examples of parts of speech commonly documented in terminology databases can include: noun, verb, adjective Description Descriptive Data Class Description For Has Administration Subject Field An area of human knowledge to which a terminological record is assigned Classification System The arrangement of concepts into classes and their subdivisions to express the relations among them Classification Number A set of symbols, with rules for their application, used to represent classes and their interrelations Definition A statement that describes a concept and permits its differentiation from other concepts within a system of concepts Intensional Definition A definition that identifies the concept's nearest superordinate concept and the characteristics that differentiate the given concept from coordinate concepts Extensional Definition A definition based on the enumeration of the concepts that refer to the main parts of an object covered by a superordinate concept in a partitive relation Partitive Definition A definition based on the enumeration of the concepts that refer to the main parts of an object covered by a superordinate concept in a partitive relation Explanation A statement that describes and clarifies a concept and makes it understandable, but does not necessarily differentiate it from other concepts Context A text or part of a text in which a term occurs Defining Context A context that contains substantial information about a concept, but that does not possess the formal rigor of a definition Explanatory Context A context that provides a summary explanation of a concept Associative Context A context that contains the minimum amount of conceptual information needed to associate a concept to a particular concept field Linguistic Context Context that illustrates the function of a term in discourse, but that provides no conceptual information Meta Linguistic Context Context consisting of a discourse about the term as a sign in such a way that the term is used in an autonomous way Example Descriptive material that provides a sample of the object or entity defined in the entry Administration Administrative Data Class Administration For Has Source A complete citation of the bibliographic information pertaining to a document or other resource Has Reference Date The point of time at which a transaction or event takes place Origination Date The date on which an element (field, record, entry, etc.) is created Input Date The date on which an element (field, record, entry, etc.) is input into a data collection Modification Date The date when a field, record, etc. is edited or otherwise modified Check Date The date when a field, record, etc. is checked Approval Date The date when a record, entry, etc. is approved or declared a consolidated item Withdrawal Date The date when a record or entry is removed from an active data collection and placed in an archive file Standardization Date The date when a term is introduced as a normative term based on final approval by an authoritative body Exportation Date The date when a terminological entry is exported from a database to another database or to an interchange format Importation Date The date when a terminological entry is imported into a database Responsibility Identifies the individual associated with a terminology management transaction Originator An identifier assigned to the individual creating a field, record, etc. Inputter An identifier assigned to the individual inputting a field, or record, etc. if this varies from the originator Updater An identifier assigned to the individual editing or otherwise modifying a field or record Checker An identifier assigned to the individual checking a field or record Approver An identifier assigned to the individual approving a consolidated or definitive field or record User An identifier assigned to the specific user-audience of a terminological entry Withdrawer An identifier assigned to the individual responsible for withdrawing a terminological entry from the main terminology collection Exporter An identifier assigned to the individual responsible for exporting a terminological entry from a terminology database Importer An identifier assigned to the individual responsible for importing a terminological entry into a terminology database Subset Owner An identifier assigned to the specific individual responsible for administering a subset of terminological records Subset Any sub-group of terms within a database identified as having a property in common with other members of the sub-group, such as being administered by a single user or used for a specified application Customer Subset An identifier assigned to a terminological record indicating that it is associated with a specific customer Initial Customer Subset An identifier assigned to a terminological record indicating that it is associated with a specific initial customer Project Subset An identifier assigned to a specific project indicating that it is associated with a term, record or entry Initial Project Subset An identifier assigned to a specific initial project with which a term, record or entry is associated Product Subset An identifier assigned to a product to which a term is related Application Subset An identifier assigned to a terminology entry associated with a specific application Environment Subset An identifier assigned to a terminology entry indicating its association with a specific computer environment Business Unit Subset An identifier assigned to a term or terminological record indicating its association with a specific department, division, or other unit of an enterprise Security Subset An in-house security classification of a term Working Status A code indicating the level of completeness and accuracy of an element (field, record, entry) within a terminological collection Target Database A database or format to which data are exported Entry Source A database or format from which data are imported Record Identifier A separate record identifier can be necessary in cases where several physical records are linked to form a virtual entry File Identifier File identifiers become valuable when data from several files are merged or when aggregate files are split into subsets during data exportation and importation Has Cross Reference A pointer field used in a data collection to direct the user to another related location See A pointer field used in a terminology collection as a direction from one location that does not contain information to the location(s) where information can be found See Also A pointer field used in a terminology collection as a direction from one location that contains information to one or more other locations where related information will be found Has Inverted Term A multiword string that has been rearranged to create a new entry so that a desired keyword appearing at the end of the string appears first for the purpose of alphabetization Has Permuted Term A multiword string that has been rearranged so that desired keywords embedded in the term appear first for the purpose of alphabetization Has Homograph A word that is spelled like another, but that has a different pronunciation, meaning, and origin Has Antonym A term whose concept constitutes the opposite of the concept represented by a second term Namespace Identifier Identifier used to retrieve documents and resources on the World Wide Web URL The unique address for a page on the World Wide Web Uniform Resource Locator FPI The unique identifier for a representative of a given document in the World Wide Web environment Formal Public Identifier Originatin Entity A person, an institution, a company, etc., that serves as the origin of information in lieu of a document Originatin Person An individual treated as a source of information for the purpose of bibliographic documentation Expert Specialist Originatin Institution An institution (i.e., company, government agency, etc.) treated as a source of information for the purpose of bibliographic documentation Originatin Database A database treated as as document for the purpose of bibiographic documentation