Condition Ontology 3.2 DRC 2002-05-28 inwork This is an ontology for UJTL 4.0 Conditions. Category Class Environment Class Condition Class Category Code Property Index Property Title Property Definition Property Sub Category Property This property identifies a more detailed category. Super Category Property This property identifies a more general category. Condition Property This property is intended to associate a condition to some other class instance. Thus it should only be used in an Artifact. Descriptor Property This property associates a descriptive value to a condition. It is intended to point to an XSD enumeration. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Class C 1.0 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Includes those factors of the natural environment and other factors, within the natural realm, as modified by civilization. LAND Class C 1.1 LAND Physical characteristics, both natural and man-made, of a land area. Terrain Class C 1.1.1 Terrain General characteristics of land areas. Terrain Relief Class C Terrain Relief Height of immediate terrain relative to surrounding area, measured from a base point (adjacent valley or plateau). Terrain Elevation Class C Terrain Elevation Height of immediate terrain in reference to sea level. Terrain Slope Class C Terrain Slope The average steepness or grade of a land area. Terrain Firmness Class C Terrain Firmness The terrain's ability to support weight. Terrain Traction Class C Terrain Traction Ability to maintain sufficient friction with terrain to control movement. Vegetation Class C Vegetation Plants, trees, and shrubs. Terrain Relief Features Class C Terrain Relief Features Specific terrain features in immediate area. Geological Features Class C 1.1.2 Geological Features Features relating to the earth's subsurface. Geological Activity Class C Geological Activity Seismic or volcanic activity in region. Magnetic Variation Class C Magnetic Variation Deviations caused by position relative to the location of the magnetic pole. Subsurface Water Class C Subsurface Water Availability of underground water supplies. Man-Made Terrain Features Class C 1.1.3 Man-Made Terrain Features Degree to which civilization and military actions have affected the physical environment. Urbanization Class C Urbanization Presence of built-up population centers. Significant Civil Structures Class C Significant Civil Structures Synthetic structures that alter terrain (bridges, stadiums, canals), or that could impact terrain, if damaged (locks, dams, tunnels). Terrain Color Contrast Class C Terrain Color Contrast The color or shading differential between civilian and military objects and the natural or physical environment. Obstacles to Movement Class C Obstacles to Movement The presence of obstacles to movement and maneuver Route Availability Class C Route Availability The availability of navigable routes over land areas. Landlocked Waters Class C 1.1.4 Landlocked Waters Bodies of water surrounded by land to include lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands. Landlocked Waters Depth Class C Landlocked Waters Depth The depth of water at a particular point or area. Landlocked Waters Current Class C Landlocked Waters Current A steady, generally predictable flow of water. Landlocked Waters Width Class C Landlocked Waters Width Width of bodies of water. Landlocked Waters Bottom Class C Landlocked Waters Bottom Characteristics of the land underneath landlocked waters. Landlocked Waters Shore Gradient Class C Landlocked Waters Shore Gradient Slope of the land at the edge of the water. Landlocked Water Temperature Class C Landlocked Water Temperature Water temperature (degrees Fahrenheit). Divers/Swimmers Landlocked Water Elevation Class C Divers/Swimmers Landlocked Water Elevation The height above sea level at which diving operations will be conducted. Divers/Swimmers Landlocked Water Currents Class C Divers/Swimmers Landlocked Water Currents A steady, generally predictable flow of water. SEA Class C 1.2 SEA Those factors associated with the continuous salt water ocean system to include oceans, seas, gulfs, inlets, bays, sounds, straits, channels, and rivers. Ocean Waters Class C 1.2.1 Ocean Waters Primary bodies of salt water that are not landlocked. Ocean Depth Class C Ocean Depth The depth of ocean water at a point or for an area. Ocean Ice Class C Ocean Ice The presence of ice at or near the ocean surface. Ocean Ice Thickness Class C Ocean Ice Thickness The thickness of ocean surface ice. Ocean Ambient Noise Class C Ocean Ambient Noise The ambient noise level in the ocean caused by marine life, geological factors, or by civilization. Ocean Fronts and Eddies Class C Ocean Fronts and Eddies Fronts are tactically significant discontinuities in the water mass, such as horizontal temperature gradient, which significantly alter the pattern of ocean acoustics. Eddies are circular fronts that have broken off from a strong front such as the Gulf Stream. Divers/Swimmers Underwater Visibility Class C Divers/Swimmers Underwater Visibility The maximum distance objects can be seen at the depth which underwater operations are being conducted. Divers/Swimmers Ocean Depth Class C Divers/Swimmers Ocean Depth The depth of ocean water at a point or for an area. Divers/Swimmers Ocean Currents Class C Divers/Swimmers Ocean Currents A steady, generally predictable flow, present either in open ocean waters or in littoral coastal ocean waters. Ocean Currents Class C Ocean Currents A steady, generally predictable flow, present either in open ocean waters or in littoral coastal ocean waters. Sea State Class C Sea State Roughness of seas caused by wind or disturbances. Ocean Temperature Class C Ocean Temperature Water surface temperature (degrees Fahrenheit). Saline Content Class C Saline Content Level of salt content in water (parts per thousand). Ocean Features Class C Ocean Features Features just above, just below, or within 10 fathoms of the ocean surface to include islands, atolls, reefs, shoals, rocks, or icebergs. Sea Room Class C Sea Room Availability of space for maritime maneuver. Includes dynamic factors such as confining ice, submerged wrecks, or potentially damaging floating objects such as logs. Applies especially to coastal polar, littoral, or riverine environments. Ocean Acoustics Class C Ocean Acoustics Assessed qualities of the tactical subsurface environment, including factors such as sound propagation path, layer depth, and propagation loss (but excluding sea state, ambient noise and other factors covered separately in this section) that affect the ability to detect subsurface objects. Ocean Bioluminescence Class C Ocean Bioluminescence Emission of visible light by living marine organisms. Ocean Bottom Class C 1.2.2 Ocean Bottom The characteristics of the sea bottom. Sea Bottom Contours Class C Sea Bottom Contours Gradient of the seabed. Sea Bottom Composition Class C Sea Bottom Composition Seabed material from the ocean bottom to the littoral. Harbor Capacity Class C 1.2.3 Harbor Capacity The size and characteristics of a harbor. Harbor Shelter Class C Harbor Shelter The amount of protection provided from the open ocean by natural features. Harbor Depth Class C Harbor Depth Water level at low tide. Harbor Currents Class C Harbor Currents Moving water caused by tidal change and river runoff. Littoral Characteristics Class C 1.2.4 Littoral Characteristics The characteristics of the shore area, including contiguous waters and land areas. Littoral Gradient Class C Littoral Gradient Slope of the beach, from low tide up to the extreme high tide mark. Littoral Composition Class C Littoral Composition Shoreline material, from shallow water to high tide marks. Littoral Terrain Features Class C Littoral Terrain Features Those land features that overlook the littoral. Littoral Tides Class C Littoral Tides Change in height from low to high tide. Littoral Currents Class C Littoral Currents Flows peculiar to that shoreline area. Riverine Environment Class C 1.2.5 Riverine Environment Type of riverine environment. Riverine Navigability Class C Riverine Navigability Category of navigable waterway. Riverine Tidal Turbulence Class C Riverine Tidal Turbulence The extent of turbulence in the tidal zone causing the movement of material such as debris, pollutants, or vegetation, thereby affecting visibility through water. Riverine Current Class C Riverine Current The velocity of flowing water in riverine environment. Riverine Bank Gradient Class C Riverine Bank Gradient Slope of the land at the water's edge. Shipping Presence Class C 1.2.6 Shipping Presence Presence of shipping activity in area. Shipping Density Class C Shipping Density The general level of shipping in an area. Shipping Type Class C Shipping Type The primary characteristics of the shipping in an operating area. Shipping Identifiability Class C Shipping Identifiability The physical characteristics of vessels that allow them to be identified to include size, markings, unique hull forms, observable activity, electromagnetic emissions, and communications capability. AIR Class C 1.3 AIR Characteristics of the lower atmosphere, to include climate, visibility, and weapons effects. Climate Class C 1.3.1 Climate Aggregate long-term weather history for a region. Season Class C Season Periods of the year characterized by changes in temperature, daylight length, storm activity, and precipitation. Weather Systems Class C Weather Systems Systems that determine weather over the next 2 to 5 days. Weather Class C Weather Current weather (next 24 hours). Air Temperature Class C Air Temperature Atmospheric temperature at ground level (degrees Fahrenheit). Barometric Pressure Class C Barometric Pressure Measured surface air pressure. Surface Wind Velocity Class C Surface Wind Velocity The speed at which air moves through the atmosphere at an altitude up to 500 feet. Low Altitude Wind Velocity Class C Low Altitude Wind Velocity The speed at which air moves through the atmosphere at an altitude between 500 to 10,000 feet. Medium Altitude Wind Velocity Class C Medium Altitude Wind Velocity The speed at which air moves through the atmosphere at an altitude between 10,000 and 25,000 feet. High Altitude Wind Velocity Class C High Altitude Wind Velocity The speed at which air moves through the atmosphere at an altitude higher than 25,000 feet. Wind Direction Class C Wind Direction The relative direction of the air moving through the atmosphere. Relative Humidity Class C Relative Humidity A measure of water vapor in the air. Precipitation Class C Precipitation Liquid, freezing and frozen water that falls to the surface. Precipitation Type Class C Precipitation Type The form or state of water falling to the surface. Precipitation Intensity Class C Precipitation Intensity The rate of fall (related to the droplet/crystal size). Icing Class C Icing The formation or coating of ice upon surfaces. Turbulence and Wind Shear Class C Turbulence and Wind Shear Rapid changes in air movement over relatively short distances. Altitude Class C Altitude Height above sea level. Visibility Class C 1.3.2 Visibility Maximum distance to see an object given the moisture and particulate matter (dust, salt, ash) suspended in the atmosphere. Light Class C Light Light available to illuminate objects from natural or manmade sources. Obscurants Class C Obscurants Temporary addition of material (smoke, dust, ash, sand) to the atmosphere. Atmospheric Weapons Effects Class C 1.3.3 Atmospheric Weapons Effects Nuclear, biological, chemical, or electromagnetic impacts. Nuclear Effects Class C Nuclear Effects Threat has capabilities or has used (one or more of the following) to cause immediate and/or delayed casualties, psychological disruption, and/or disruption of the operational tempo. Nuclear Blast/Thermal Effects Class C Nuclear Blast/Thermal Effects Extent of nuclear blast/thermal effects. Nuclear Radiation Effects Class C Nuclear Radiation Effects Extent of radiation effects (level of exposure to unprotected personnel over period of five days). Chemical Effects Class C Chemical Effects Threat has capabilities to employ, or has used (one or more of the following) to cause immediate and/or delayed casualties, psychological disruption, and/or disruption of the operational tempo. Biological Effects Class C Biological Effects Threat has capabilities to employ, (or has used one or more of the following) to cause immediate and/or delayed casualties, psychological disruption, and /or disruption of the operational tempo. Electromagnetic Effects Class C Electromagnetic Effects Extent to which electronic warfare, nuclear electromagnetic pulse, or directed energy are employed. Airspace Availability Class C 1.3.4 Airspace Availability Freedom of airspace from confining factors such as FIRs, restricted areas, MOAs, Fire Support Control Zones, Air Space Coordination Areas that limit freedom of flight. RF Spectrum Class C 1.3.5 RF Spectrum Extent to which use or exploitation of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum is inhibited or degraded due to overcrowding, unavailability or operational restrictions caused by friendly, enemy or neutral forces (e.g., civil air government, private citizenry, etc.) Such use or exploitation may include, but not limited to SPACE Class C 1.4 SPACE Characteristics of the earth's upper atmosphere and the environment at satellite altitudes. Objects in Space Class C 1.4.1 Objects in Space Satellites, vehicles, particles, and debris in orbit around the earth. Orbit Density Class C Orbit Density Existing satellites and space junk in a particular orbit. Orbit Type Class C Orbit Type A space object's elliptical path around the earth. Natural Environment Class C 1.4.2 Natural Environment Geomagnetic and solar activity, high energy particles at satellite altitudes, ionospheric disturbances. Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Class C Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Level of solar and/or geomagnetic activity High Energy Particles Class C 1.4.3 High Energy Particles Level of high energy particles caused by solar activity. Military Environment Class C 2.0 Military Environment Those factors related to the mission, command structure, and forces. These factors can apply to US forces, allied and coalition forces, neutral forces, and enemy forces. Mission Class C 2.1 Mission Those factors that frame and influence the execution of the mission assigned or understood. Mission Instructions Class C 2.1.1 Mission Instructions Clarity of instructions, directives, policy guidance (including end state), strategies, or status of forces agreements, below the NCA level. Command Level Class C Command Level The level of command directing the mission. Pre-Existing Arrangements Class C Pre-Existing Arrangements Those plans, organizations, relationships, and arrangements that existed before the present mission or tasking and that might influence execution of the concept of operations. Mission Classification Class C Mission Classification The degree of secrecy assigned to the mission. ROE Class C ROE The divergence of the Rules of Engagement from the Standing Rules of Engagement, CJCSI 3121.01., as published by the Director of Operations, The Joint Staff.. Note SOFA Class C SOFA The degree of control a host nation cedes over the conduct and punishment of guest forces under Status of Forces Agreements or like instruments. Military Commitments to Other Nations Class C Military Commitments to Other Nations The amount of commitment on the part of one nation to assist another. Military Commitments from Other Nations Class C Military Commitments from Other Nations The amount of commitment on the part of other nation to support mission. Legal State Class C 2.1.2 Legal State The legal state under which military forces are operating. Mission Preparation Class C 2.1.3 Mission Preparation Degree to which preparations for mission have been completed at time of mission execution. Includes intelligence, logistic, positioning of units, etc. Theater Dimensions Class C 2.1.4 Theater Dimensions The location and size of the theater or sub-area of a theater and the time available for mission accomplishment. Location Class C Location The location where the task must be performed. Theater(s) Class C Theater(s) The number of theaters in which actions are taking place. Does not include peaceful transit of geographic combatant commander's AOR. Joint Operations Area Class C Joint Operations Area Physical scope and breadth of an area designated by the JFC in which joint forces operate. Intertheater Distance Class C Intertheater Distance Mileage between two (intertheater) locations (e.g., CONUS to joint operations area). Intratheater Distance Class C Intratheater Distance Mileage between two locations (e.g., airfield to the FEBA). Time Available Class C 2.1.5 Time Available The time available, normally the time allowed, to complete a phase in a concept of operations. Lead Time Class C Lead Time The time from receipt of a warning or directive to initiation of military operations. Mission Duration Class C Mission Duration The time a unit is expected to continue to conduct a mission. CONFLICT Class C 2.10 CONFLICT (none) State of Conflict Class C 2.10.1 State of Conflict Level of conflict in operational area. Breadth of Conflict Class C 2.10.2 Breadth of Conflict Scope and breadth of conflict area. Type of Conflict Class C 2.10.3 Type of Conflict Type of weapons and forces employed. Forces Class C 2.2 Forces The overall capabilities of the forces of a nation, alliance, or coalition. Forces Assigned Class C 2.2.1 Forces Assigned The capabilities of combat and support forces assigned to a combatant commander day-to-day. Competing Apportionments Class C 2.2.2 Competing Apportionments The extent to which forces are distributed for planning, in that the same force may be apportioned simultaneously to more than one combatant commander (for planning). Forces Allocated Class C 2.2.3 Forces Allocated The extent to which forces are distributed to a commander for accomplishment of assigned mission. Personnel Capability Class C 2.2.4 Personnel Capability The extent to which personnel are capable of performing assigned tasks. Personnel Nutrition and Health Class C Personnel Nutrition and Health The degree to which the members of a force are healthy and free of disease. Personnel Literacy Class C Personnel Literacy The literacy level of military personnel. Personnel Physical Conditioning Class C Personnel Physical Conditioning The level of physical conditioning of military personnel. Personnel Morale Class C Personnel Morale The state of a force's spirit and confidence. Personnel Experience Class C Personnel Experience The degree to which the civilian and military personnel assigned the task is experienced at the task. Personnel Fatigue Class C Personnel Fatigue The degrees to which personnel, due to lack of rest, are experiencing fatigue. Modern Military Systems Class C 2.2.5 Modern Military Systems The availability of modern weapon and information systems. Modern Weapons Systems Class C Modern Weapons Systems The availability of modern weapons systems in numbers and types. Modern Information & Intelligence Processing Systems Class C Modern Information & Intelligence Processing Systems The availability of modern information systems in numbers and types. Military Systems Reliability Class C Military Systems Reliability The qualities of reliability, maintainability, and sustainability built into military systems. Military Systems Maturity Class C Military Systems Maturity The development and deployment status of a force's leading edge technology systems. Interoperability Class C 2.2.6 Interoperability The ability of systems, units, or forces to interact and operate effectively with other systems, units, or forces. Military Force Relationships Class C 2.2.7 Military Force Relationships The extent to which force elements (e.g., military branches, paramilitary organizations) cooperate with each other and adhere to the chain of command. COMMAND, CONTROL & COMMUNICATIONS Class C 2.3 COMMAND, CONTROL & COMMUNICATIONS (none) Command Arrangements Class C 2.3.1 Command Arrangements Type of relationships or procedures set up among forces and their staffs for the effective management of forces and accomplishment of the mission. Joint Staff Integration Class C Joint Staff Integration The extent to which staffs of two or more forces or agencies of the same nation have integrated their doctrine, staff, force techniques and procedures, and training. Command Relationships Class C Command Relationships The complexity of command relationships required to train, organize and generate the force prior to transfer to the combatant commander for employment. Multinational Integration Class C Multinational Integration The extent to which staffs of two or more forces, or agencies of two or more nations, have integrated their senior command and staff billets, information and intelligence, doctrine and procedures, logistics, and training. Staff Expertise Class C Staff Expertise The level of skill and experience that staff personnel can provide to the commander, with regard to operational art and logistics, the capabilities and limitations of force elements, and tactics, techniques, and procedures. Pre-Existing Command Class C Pre-Existing Command The extent to which an existing command and staff headquarters structure exists. Command Authority Class C Command Authority A commander's degree of authority over assigned forces. Communications Connectivity Class C Communications Connectivity The degree to which communications can be maintained up and down the chain of command and horizontally. Classification Class C Classification The highest level of information security at which a headquarters or force is operating. Information Exchange Class C Information Exchange The freedom with which information (e.g., intelligence and logistic data and operations plans) can be distributed or released within a staff or to operating units, to include among allies or coalition partners. Information Volume Class C Information Volume The volume of data or information generated or made available to decision makers. Military Style Class C 2.3.2 Military Style The approach of a nation and its commanders to the conduct of military operations. Leadership Style Class C Leadership Style The approach of the commander to the exercise of command and handling of subordinates. Force Emphasis Class C Force Emphasis The special weight or importance placed by a nation in the specific characteristics or composition (e.g., land, sea, air) of its armed forces. Flexibility of Warfare Style Class C Flexibility of Warfare Style Extent to which a nation's armed forces can adapt to various styles of warfare (e.g., moving from conventional to unconventional warfare). Component Headquarters Location Class C Component Headquarters Location The location of component command headquarters with relation to the joint force commander's headquarters. INTELLIGENCE Class C 2.4 INTELLIGENCE (none) Warning Class C 2.4.1 Warning The degree of certitude of warning received. Intelligence Data Base Class C 2.4.2 Intelligence Data Base The availability of intelligence data or threat assessments to support a mission or task. Theater Intelligence Organization Class C 2.4.3 Theater Intelligence Organization The status of an intelligence collection, processing, and production organization within a theater or dedicated to the theater. Theater Intelligence Access Class C 2.4.4 Theater Intelligence Access The ability of intelligence gathering resources to penetrate and cover the AOR. Intelligence Countermeasure Capability Class C 2.4.5 Intelligence Countermeasure Capability The ability of a nation to detect and counter intelligence gathering by an enemy. Certitude of Data Class C 2.4.6 Certitude of Data The degree of confidence in the accuracy of intelligence data. Intelligence Dissemination and Receipt Class C 2.4.7 Intelligence Dissemination and Receipt Proper communications paths, dissemination suite, receipt suite, and display suite between producers and customers are in place to allow timely transmission and receipt of information. EW Capability Class C 2.4.8 EW Capability The ability to make use of electromagnetic and directed energy control. Use the electromagnetic spectrum to attack the enemy. DEPLOYMENT, MOVEMENT & MANEUVER Class C 2.5 DEPLOYMENT, MOVEMENT & MANEUVER (none) LOC and Planning Status Class C 2.5.1 LOC and Planning Status Status of lines of communication and planning for deployment, movement, or maneuver. TPFDD Availability Class C TPFDD Availability Availability of time-phased force and deployment data needed to execute a deployment. Deployment Lead Time Class C Deployment Lead Time The amount of time to travel from home station to arrival where the unit will be deployed. Intertheater LOCs Class C Intertheater LOCs Freedom of movement for forces and materiel between theaters. Intratheater LOCs Class C Intratheater LOCs Freedom of movement for forces and materiel within a theater. Entry Capability Class C Entry Capability Extent to which a military force is capable of entering an area of operations unopposed or opposed. Intransit Visibility Capability. Class C Intransit Visibility Capability. Extent to which deployable forces are able to provide data on forces and materiel to Global Transportation Network via automated identification technologies (AIT). Lift Assets Class C 2.5.2 Lift Assets Adequacy of lift assets for moving and supporting forces. Airlift Assets Class C Airlift Assets Availability of airlift assets for deployment or employment of forces. Sealift Assets Class C Sealift Assets Availability of sealift assets for deployment or employment of forces. Ground Transportation Assets Class C Ground Transportation Assets Availability of ground transportation assets to support deployment or employment of forces. Spacelift Assets Class C Spacelift Assets Availability of launch pads, vehicle assembly/staging areas, launch vehicles, and range facilities. Refueling Assets Class C Refueling Assets Availability of refueling assets for deployment or employment. En Route Support Class C 2.5.3 En Route Support Availability of support, and ITV data capture and basing needed to ensure the movement of forces. Includes refueling (or bunkering), arming, maintaining, troop support, ITV data capture and basing. For maritime movement, includes convoy escorts and naval covering forces. Intermediate Staging Bases Class C Intermediate Staging Bases Availability of intermediate bases and ports for staging aircraft, ships, and troops for strategic deployment. Overflight/Passage Rights Class C Overflight/Passage Rights Right to overfly national territory or national waters or to transit sovereign waters. En Route Supply Class C En Route Supply Availability of supply needed to ensure the movement of forces. Includes refueling (or bunkering), arming, maintaining, troop support, and basing. Joint Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration Class C 2.5.4 Joint Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration Ability to support the delivery, disposition, and ITV of units, equipment, and personnel that arrive by intertheater strategic lift or intratheater lift. Reception Facilities Class C Reception Facilities Extent to which facilities are available to allow off-load of ships or aircraft. Pier Space Class C Pier Space The amount of berthing space available to load or unload ships. Maximum on Ground (MOG) Class C Maximum on Ground (MOG) The maximum number of aircraft an airfield can physically accommodate at one time for unloading and loading based on dimensions of ramp space and/or runway for runway operations. The physical MOG may be further qualified as a working MOG based on limiting factors such as servicing or maintenance capability. MOG is often addressed in terms of wide-body equivalents (C-5, C-17m B-747, etc) or narrow-body equivalents (C-141, C-130, DC-8). Runway Length Class C Runway Length The length of usable runway. Runway Weight Bearing Capacity Class C Runway Weight Bearing Capacity The weight bearing capacity of a runway or the larger airport surfaces. Onward Movement Facilities Class C Onward Movement Facilities Facilities available to marshal cargo and personnel and move them forward in the theater. Beddown Facilities Class C Beddown Facilities Space available for handling materials and personnel from arriving ships and aircraft. Marshaling Facilities Class C Marshaling Facilities Facilities for assembling, holding, maintaining visibility over and organizing supplies and equipment, especially vehicles and transportation, for onward movement. Staging Area Class C Staging Area Location established for the concentration of units and transient personnel between movements. FIREPOWER Class C 2.6 FIREPOWER (none) Degree of Dispersion Class C 2.6.1 Degree of Dispersion The degree to which forces or facilities are concentrated in one area or conform to linear formations or lines, e.g., FLOT, FEBA, or naval battle group formations. Degree of Camouflage Class C 2.6.2 Degree of Camouflage The degree to which forces, units, items of equipment, or personnel are hidden from visual, electronic, or other forms of detection. Target Hardness Class C 2.6.3 Target Hardness The degree to which a target or set of targets has been protected against firepower attacks. Preplanned Targets Class C 2.6.4 Preplanned Targets The degree to which initial fires have been preplanned, particularly in peacetime. Target Mobility Class C 2.6.5 Target Mobility The ability of a potential target to relocate. Target Range Class C 2.6.6 Target Range The range of a target from an attacking system or unit. Collateral Damage Potential Class C 2.6.7 Collateral Damage Potential The degree to which the civilian population and structures (e.g., homes, hospitals, schools) are close to targets, and therefore at risk from attacks. Target Thermal Contrast Class C 2.6.8 Target Thermal Contrast The temperature differential between background areas and targets. PROTECTION Class C 2.7 PROTECTION (none) Rear Area/Local Security Class C 2.7.1 Rear Area/Local Security The extent to which the rear area or local area is secure. Air Superiority Class C 2.7.2 Air Superiority The extent to which operations in the air, over sea and/or, over land can be conducted with acceptable losses due to hostile air forces and air defense systems action. Space Control Class C 2.7.3 Space Control The measure by which we gain and maintain space superiority to assure friendly forces can use the space environment while denying its use to the enemy. Space Platforms Class C Space Platforms The number of space platforms that are available for the specific joint operations area. Space Platforms (Availability) Class C Space Platforms (Availability) The percentage of available time space platforms that can be used over the joint operations area. Time can be limited due to operational procedures, general ephemeris conditions, or sun angle (too high or eclipse). Space Platforms (Linkability) Class C Space Platforms (Linkability) The method required to link the joint operations area commanders to the space platforms. Maritime Superiority Class C 2.7.4 Maritime Superiority The extent to which operations on, over, or under the sea can be conducted with acceptable losses due to hostile military naval actions. Ground Superiority Class C 2.7.5 Ground Superiority The extent to which operations on or over land can be conducted with acceptable losses due to hostile military ground actions. Facility Survivability Class C 2.7.6 Facility Survivability (none) SUSTAINMENT Class C 2.8 SUSTAINMENT (none) Sustainment Facilities Class C 2.8.1 Sustainment Facilities Those grounds, buildings, and equipment available to provide and support sustainment of the force. Deployed Supplies Class C 2.8.2 Deployed Supplies The number of days of supply available to forces in a military operation. CONUS Resupply Class C 2.8.3 CONUS Resupply The adequacy of national level production and supply stocks and theater priority, which allows the theater to draw sustainment from outside of the theater. Pipeline Responsiveness Class C Pipeline Responsiveness The adequacy of the logistics pipeline to provide retrograde to repair facilities and for repair facilities to issue replacement parts. This includes theater evacuation, transportation, and repair facility policies affecting the movement and repair of high value, class IX repair parts. Pre-positioned Materiel Class C 2.8.4 Pre-positioned Materiel Equipment or supplies pre-positioned at or near the point of planned use or at a designated location. Host-Nation Support (HNS) Class C 2.8.5 Host-Nation Support (HNS) The extent of civil and military assistance provided by a host nation to foreign forces within its territory. Commercial Procurement Class C 2.8.6 Commercial Procurement The extent to which materiel and services can be procured from the local economy in theater. THREAT Class C 2.9 THREAT (none) Threat Class C 2.9.1 Threat Seriousness of threat to the nation. Threat Form Class C 2.9.2 Threat Form Types of potential aggression. Threat Existence Class C 2.9.3 Threat Existence The perceived potential for aggression or harm to a nation, government, or its instrumentalities. Threat Posture Class C 2.9.4 Threat Posture The timing of potential aggression against friendly forces. Threat Size Class C 2.9.5 Threat Size The relative size of the potential aggressor to friendly forces. Threat Land Force Size Class C Threat Land Force Size The relative size of land forces of the potential aggressor to friendly land forces. Threat Naval Force Size Class C Threat Naval Force Size The relative size of naval forces of the potential aggressor to friendly naval forces. Threat Air Force Size Class C Threat Air Force Size The relative size of air forces of the potential aggressor to friendly air forces. Threat Space Force Capability Class C Threat Space Force Capability The relative capability of the potential aggressor to inhibit operations of friendly space forces. Threat Information Operations Capability Class C Threat Information Operations Capability The relative operations capability of the potential aggressor. Threat Disposition Class C 2.9.6 Threat Disposition The status of deployed forces belonging to a potential aggressor. Civil Environment Class C 3.0 Civil Environment Those factors related to a people, their government, history, politics, culture, and economy that impact military operations. Political Policies Class C 3.1 Political Policies Those factors that derive from the people, their national government, and international and non-government organizations that support or oppose military action. Domestic Political Support Class C 3.1.1 Domestic Political Support Support of the people and government in the region (excluding National Command Authorities) for military actions. Domestic Public Support Class C Domestic Public Support Public support for the actions of their government. Congressional Support Class C Congressional Support Legislative Branch support of the Executive Branch or NCA. Interdepartmental/Interagency Relationships Class C Interdepartmental/Interagency Relationships Extent to which Executive Branch of government and other agencies work together toward articulated goals. Legality Class C Legality The extent to which an act or action is in accordance with domestic or international law. Media Relations Class C Media Relations The rapport between the military and the press, and the attitude of the press toward particular military activities. International Politics Class C 3.1.2 International Politics Those political factors, independent of one's own government, which impact the commander's freedom of action. Major Power Involvement Class C Major Power Involvement The major power interests about a region or military operation and the ability and willingness of a particular major power to act on those interests. Foreign Government Stability Class C Foreign Government Stability The degree to which governments in a region remain in power and are consistent in their policies. Foreign Government Support Class C Foreign Government Support The willingness of a foreign government to support military actions of another nation. Foreign Public Opinion Class C Foreign Public Opinion Foreign public attitude expressed about a military operation. International Organization Support Class C International Organization Support The degree of support expressed by non-governmental organizations for military actions. Multinational Business Support Class C Multinational Business Support The degree of support expressed by multinational business organizations for military actions (e.g., oil companies). NCA Decisions Class C 3.1.3 NCA Decisions Decisions taken by the NCA with regard to national security policy and strategy. Number of Crises Class C Number of Crises The number of crises (MRC or LRC) being addressed by the NCA and the NSC. Mission Priority Class C Mission Priority The relationship of one mission compared to another. Mobilization Level Class C Mobilization Level The extent of mobilization by a nation. Force Level Class C Force Level The size of mobilization required. Draft Class C Draft Compulsory military service. Mobilization Facilities Class C Mobilization Facilities Those grounds, buildings, and equipment available to train or retrain an expanding active duty force. Restraints on Action Class C Restraints on Action The limitations on a commander's freedom of action attendant to an NCA-assigned mission. Culture Class C 3.2 Culture Those aspects of a people that relate to their language, history, customs, economics, religion, and character. Language Class C 3.2.1 Language The spoken and written means of communication. Language Translation Class C Language Translation The types of translations to be performed during the mission, including weaponeering, engineering, intelligence, POW interrogation, and staff coordination. Language Translators Class C Language Translators The number and type of translators to be used during the mission, including those for weaponeering, engineering, intelligence, POW interrogation, and staff coordination. Customs Adjustment Class C 3.2.2 Customs Adjustment Customs within a nation or an area that may require accommodation. Societal Openness Class C Societal Openness The degree to which the population of a nation or an area is open to the presence of people from different nations or cultural backgrounds. Legal Penalties Class C Legal Penalties The seriousness of legal or religious penalties, in a foreign nation, associated with acts that violate cultural or legal norms. Law Source Class C Law Source The basis for current laws and justice (see C, Legal Penalties). Religious Beliefs Class C 3.2.3 Religious Beliefs Strength of adherence to religion, the impact on behavior, and the degree of domination over the life of a nation. Religious Unity Class C Religious Unity Degree of religious unity within a nation. Religious Militancy Class C Religious Militancy The degree to which a religious group believes it can or should impose its views on others, internally or externally, by force of arms, if necessary. Religion-State Relationship Class C Religion-State Relationship The extent to which a given religion influences the civil government of a nation. Significant Cultural Sites Class C 3.2.4 Significant Cultural Sites Restrictions on actions due to the existence of particular sites held by certain cultures or religions to be sacred places or national treasures. Cultural Unity Class C 3.2.5 Cultural Unity The extent to which a country is free from serious ethnic, cultural, and language divisions. National Character Class C 3.2.6 National Character Perceived behavior of the populace in a nation or an area. National Discipline Class C National Discipline The historically-based perception of a nationality's response to the direction and will of their central government. National Aggressiveness Class C National Aggressiveness Tendency to use national power to achieve goals. Nationalism Class C Nationalism Belief that the good of the nation is paramount. Ethnocentrism Class C Ethnocentrism Degree of emphasis on a particular ethnic grouping or background. Internationalism Class C Internationalism Degree of involvement in international organizations, even to the extent of granting some degree of sovereignty to such an international organization. Economy Class C 3.3 Economy Those factors that provide a nation with the manpower, materiel, and money to allow it to play a role on the military stage and shape that role. Population Class C 3.3.1 Population The population of a nation or region based on the estimates from the Bureau of the Census. Size of Military Class C Size of Military The number of people in a nation or region who are currently under arms, or who are trained and available for military service. Population Growth Rate Class C Population Growth Rate The annual change in a nation's population due to birthrates, migration, etc. Educated Population Class C Educated Population The general level of education of the people of a nation. Ranked here by average literacy level, however, it is also reflected by (1) total secondary schools, technical schools, and university graduates per 100,000 population Civil Health Class C Civil Health The physical and medical condition of a people, ranked here by only one indicator, life expectancy at birth. Health Risk Class C Health Risk Disease presence and conditions favorable to disease transmission. Civil Unrest Class C Civil Unrest The level of dissension within a nation or region as reflected by acts of civil disobedience or demonstrations against government or government policies. Refugee Impact Class C 3.3.2 Refugee Impact Impact of need for humane treatment of refugees and displaced persons on military operations. Refugee Type Class C Refugee Type The principal reason for population dislocation or migration. Refugee Congestion Class C Refugee Congestion Degree of disruption of main supply routes, avenues of approach, and LOCs. Refugee Care Responsibility Class C Refugee Care Responsibility Requirement to provide basic shelter, security, health, sanitation, and nutrition for refugees. Refugee Relocation Effort Class C Refugee Relocation Effort Degree of effort expended by the military force to place refugees back in their original homes or cities. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Class C 3.3.3 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The value of all goods and services produced domestically, measured in US dollars. International Economic Position Class C 3.3.4 International Economic Position The relative economic standing of a nation or region. Economic Self-Sufficiency Class C Economic Self-Sufficiency The ability of a nation to sustain itself without support from other nations. It is not only the amount of imports to exports, but also the dependence on the import of a particular product and the uniqueness of that product that can make a nation vulnerable. Self-Sufficiency in Food Class C Self-Sufficiency in Food Amount of food consumption produced locally. Self-Sufficiency in Fuel Class C Self-Sufficiency in Fuel Amount of fuel consumption produced locally. Self-Sufficiency in Raw Materials Class C Self-Sufficiency in Raw Materials Amount of raw materials (needed for finished goods consumption) produced locally. Self-Sufficiency in Finished Goods Class C Self-Sufficiency in Finished Goods Amount of finished goods (needed for local economy) produced locally. Self-Sufficiency in Machinery Class C Self-Sufficiency in Machinery Amount of machinery (needed for local economy) produced locally. Fiscal Position Class C Fiscal Position The availability of currency and reserves to support military action. Infrastructure Dependence Class C Infrastructure Dependence The degree of infrastructure (roads, shipping/fishing fleet, railroads, pipelines, communications, etc.) required to sustain the economy. Industry Class C 3.3.5 Industry The general ability of a nation to produce materiel for warfighting. Industrialization Class C Industrialization The extent of industrialization, measured as percent of GDP. Industrial Growth Rate Class C Industrial Growth Rate Annualized rate of growth in industrial production. Electrical Production Class C Electrical Production Electrical generation capacity per capita. Armaments Production Capacity Class C Armaments Production Capacity Annual armaments production capacity. National Potential Class C 3.3.6 National Potential A nation's ability to expand its economy and thus its warmaking potential. Transportation Infrastructure Class C Transportation Infrastructure Adequacy of railroads, highways, inland waterways, pipelines, sea and air ports, merchant marine ships, and telecommunication stations. Telecommunications Infrastructure Class C Telecommunications Infrastructure Extent of national capability for transmission, emission, or reception of signals, writings, images, sounds, or information by wire, radio, visual, or any other means. Available Capital Class C Available Capital A nation's available capital, including capital markets (banks, pension funds), capital goods (manufactured products used to produce other goods), and capital formation. Science and Technology Class C 3.3.7 Science and Technology The level of effort and ability of a nation to develop and exploit science and technology. Basic Research Class C Basic Research The amount of a nation's intellectual resources applied to basic research. Research Application (Military) Class C Research Application (Military) A nation's ability to turn basic research into (militarily) useful products. High Technology Production Class C High Technology Production A nation's ability to mass-produce high-technology products. Information Management Class C Information Management A nation's ability to collect and process information.