Release Notes ============= Jena2-pre4 (June 2003) Fourth preview release of Jena2. It is a preview release, not intended for serious development. Developers are encouraged to try it out and send feedback to This release adds a substantially revised and improved ontology API along with improved reasoning support for RDFS and many small improvements to the graph SPI. Ontology API: The Jena2 ontology API has now stabilised into something close to its final form. The main package in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology is mostly complete, except for Java classes to directly represent an axiom-centric view of the ontology rather than an object-centric view. The Jena1 DAML API has been migrated to the new ontology API structure, and appears as com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.daml. Some migration steps of the old API remain to be completed, so the DAML subsystem should used with care. Note that the main ontology API will also handle DAML+OIL ontologies; the legacy API is included to assist Jena1 DAML users to adapt their code to Jena2. New users are recommended to use the main ontology API exclusively. The default reasoner for all ontology models is currently the RDFS reasoner. Please see the documentation in /doc/user-manual/ontology for an explanation of how to select the reasoner and other options when constructing the ontology model. Reasoners: The previous default RDFS reasoner (RDFSReasoner1) has been replaced by a new implementation (RDFSRuleReasoner) which in turn is based on a generic hybrid rules engine which is included with Jena. This implementation is faster, more scalable and more configurable than the earlier version. The release also includes a very preliminary rule set which implements the OWL/Lite subset of OWL/full. This implementation is not yet stable or scalable and is not recommended for non-trivial use at this stage. Some early documentation is in /doc/user-manual/inference. Database: The database layout has changed from preview 3 based on feedback and further experimentation. The new layout supports long URIs and enables models to share database tables. See /doc/DB/index.html for more information. Note that existing Jena databases (including preview 3) cannot be accessed by preview 4. It will be necessary to dump and rebuild them.