Jena Tutorial for Release 1.4.0

Brian McBride <>
Andy Seaborne <>
Jeremy Carroll <>

April 2002


Jena is a toolkit for developing applications within the semantic web.

This tutorial is an introduction as to how to use Jena. It is intended primarily for the Java programmer with only a limited familiarity with semantic web concepts. It can be used as a hands-on first course in semantic web technologies, particularly RDF.

The student with both Java and semantic web experience should proceed at an accelerated pace, skipping easier parts.

The primary version of the course is this web version. This is intended for students working alone or in pairs.

An implementation of the Jena API used in this tutorial can be downloaded from This tutorial has been written against Jena 1.4.0. Later and earlier versions of Jena may diverge from the described system.


The only prerequisite is knowledge of Java.

Knowledge of any of the following is helpful:

Students with no knowledge of any of the above should take the course quite slowly, and may need additional support on some of the topics.


After completing the course you will be able to:

Course Contents

  1. The Jena API
    1. Introduction
    2. Statements
    3. Writing RDF
    4. Reading RDF
    5. Jena RDF Packages
    6. Navigating a Graph
    7. Querying a Graph
    8. Operations on Graphs
    9. Exceptions
    10. Containers
    11. More about Literals and Datatypes
    12. Glossary
  2. RDQL - a query language for RDF
    1. RDQL Introduction
    2. RDQL-by-example
    3. Writing Queries
    4. Using RDQL from Java
    5. Reference
    1. DAML API Introduction
    2. Getting Started
    3. Reading and Navigating an Ontology
    4. Instances
    5. Advanced DAML
    6. The Ontology Layer in Jena 2