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Known restrictions and limitations

The ontology API for Jena 2 is a work in progress. This page lists the primary known issues and limitations for the current release (Jena 2, preview 1 aka J2P1). Please review these issues before reporting bugs. Bug reports should be sent to the jena-dev support list, hosted by YahooGroups

Open issues (J2P2)

  1. Inference
    This release includes only limited inferencing, approximately of the same power of the legacy DAML API. However, this is achieved using the new inferencing plug-in machinery. To get sub-class and sub-property entailments from DAML documents, you must import the daml+owl base ontology so that the appropriate aliases for subClassOf and subPropertyOf can be determined.
  2. Persistence
    This release does not include any persistent models, so it is not possible to use ontology models with persistent stores.
  3. Legacy DAML API
    We plan to port the DAML API from Jena 1 to Jena 2, though it will be adapted to use the new ontology model behind the scenes. This will make it easier for Jena 1 users to migrate to Jena 2. While the DAML API will be supported, users are recommended to gradually migrate to the new API, and to begin new projects using only the new API. The port of the Jena 1 DAML API is not part of this release.
  4. OWL conformance
    We are planning to include a conformance checker that will ascertain which of the three OWL species (Lite, DL and Full) an ontology is using, and to assist users to remain at their chosen language level. This conformance support is not part of this release.

Closed issues from previous releases


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