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Jena CVS

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Details on setting up CVS: Jena CVS Repository


The Jena Maven repository is located at http://jena.hpl.hp.com/repo. This is syncrhonized with the central Maven repository. The group id is "com.hp.hpl.jena". Artifacts include jena, the IRI library, arq and sdb, together with a number of systems that Jena depends on in source form.

There is also development repository at http://jena.hpl.hp.com/repo-dev/ which is not sync'ed with the Maven central respoitory.


ARQ is packaged with Jena.  Updated versions are available via the ARQ download page.

ARQ Homepage.


SDB is a SPARQL-focused SQL-backed storage subsystem for Jena.

SDB homepage.

SDB Documentation.


TDB is a high performance, pure-Java, non-SQL storage subsystem for Jena that scales to billions of triples.

TDB homepage.

TDB Documentation.


Joseki is a RDF publishing server, providing access to RDF models by URL and query.


Eyeball is an "RDF lint" for checking RDF/OWL models for common issues such as illegal URIs, missing property values, and incorrect prefix mappings.

Resource Description Framework
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