@prefix dc: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix : . # --------------------------------------------- # This test cases are based on the dataset # testing/Optimizer/Test-data.n3 # # Author: Markus Stocker # Version: $Id: TestProbabilityDefaultModel-manifest.n3,v 1.5 2008-11-30 20:29:45 andy_seaborne Exp $ # --------------------------------------------- rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches everything" ; dc:title "TJ001" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "1.0" ; :selectivity "1.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The cartesian product between two result sets of the ontology size" ; dc:title "TJ002" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "1.0" ; :selectivity "1.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The cartesian product between two result sets joined by a SS variable. This is the upper bound for joined triple patterns joined by a SS. The specialized RDF index provides exact information about this." ; dc:title "TJ003" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.22132943754565376" ; :selectivity "0.22132943754565376" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The cartesian product between two result sets joined by a SO variable. This is the upper bound for joined triple patterns joined by a SO. The specialized RDF index provides exact information about this." ; dc:title "TJ004" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?x1" ] ; :probability "0.0" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The cartesian product between two result sets joined by a OS variable. This is the upper bound for joined triple patterns joined by a OS. The specialized RDF index provides exact information about this." ; dc:title "TJ005" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?z1" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.0" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The cartesian product between two result sets joined by a OO variable. This is the upper bound for joined triple patterns joined by a OO. The specialized RDF index provides exact information about this." ; dc:title "TJ006" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :probability "0.04601899196493791" ; :selectivity "0.04601899196493791" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ007" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.0017706355003652306" ; :selectivity "0.07304601899196493" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ008" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "" ] ; :probability "0.0" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ009" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "person1@msn.com" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "person1@msn.com" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.0" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ010" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "xxx-xxx-xxx" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "xxx-xxx-xxx" ] ; :probability "0.0007304601899196494" ; :selectivity "0.018261504747991233" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ011" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.003652300949598247" ; :selectivity "0.003652300949598247" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ012" ; rdfs:comment "Person1 has two skype properties, hence the result set is not of size 3 but 4" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.0029218407596785976" ; :selectivity "0.0029218407596785976" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ013" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.002191380569758948" ; :selectivity "0.002191380569758948" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ014" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.0007304601899196494" ; :selectivity "0.0014609203798392988" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ015" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.0007304601899196494" ; :selectivity "0.0007304601899196494" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ016" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "person1b" ] ; :probability "0.0007304601899196494" ; :selectivity "0.0007304601899196494" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ017" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "person1@msn.com" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.0007304601899196494" ; :selectivity "0.0007304601899196494" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ018" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "person2@msn.com" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "xxx-xxx-xxx" ] ; :probability "0.0007304601899196494" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ019" ; rdfs:comment "No join, there is no corresponding pattern in the index" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.018261504747991236" ; :selectivity "0.018261504747991233" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ020" ; rdfs:comment "No join, there is no corresponding pattern in the index" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.018261504747991233" ; :selectivity "0.018261504747991233" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ021" ; rdfs:comment "No join, there is no corresponding pattern in the index" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.006574141709276844" ; :selectivity "0.006574141709276844" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ022" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :probability "0.018261504747991233" ; :selectivity "0.018261504747991233" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ023" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?x1" ] ; :probability "0.0" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ024" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?z2" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "0.0" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ025" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :probability "0.13513513513513514" ; :selectivity "0.13513513513513514" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ026" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :probability "0.08108108108108109" ; :selectivity "0.08108108108108109" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ027" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :probability "0.2702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.2702702702702703" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ028" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :probability "0.10810810810810811" ; :selectivity "0.10810810810810811" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ029" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "xxx-xxx-xxx" ] ; :probability "0.13513513513513514" ; :selectivity "0.13513513513513514" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ030" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :probability "0.02921840759678598" ; :selectivity "0.05405405405405406" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ031" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.02702702702702703" . rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TJ032" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "xxx-xxx-xxx" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.02702702702702703" .