@prefix dc: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix : . # --------------------------------------------- # This test cases are based on the dataset # testing/Optimizer/Test-data.n3 # # Author: Markus Stocker # Version: $Id: TestProbabilityDataModel-manifest.n3,v 1.5 2008-11-30 20:29:45 andy_seaborne Exp $ # --------------------------------------------- rdf:type :TestCase ; dc:title "TH001" ; :minProbability "0.02702702702702703" ; :dataGraphSize "37" ; :squaredDataGraphSize "1369" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches everything" ; dc:title "TH002" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "1.0" ; :selectivity "1.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The cartesian product between two result sets of the ontology size" ; dc:title "TH003" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x1" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "?x2" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "1.0" ; :selectivity "1.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 10 triples" ; dc:title "TH004" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.2702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.2702702702702703" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 9 triples" ; dc:title "TH005" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.24324324324324326" ; :selectivity "0.24324324324324326" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 9 triples" ; dc:title "TH006" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.24324324324324326" ; :selectivity "0.24324324324324326" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 5 triples" ; dc:title "TH007" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.13513513513513514" ; :selectivity "0.13513513513513514" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 4 triples" ; dc:title "TH008" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.10810810810810811" ; :selectivity "0.10810810810810811" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 5 triples" ; dc:title "TH009" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.13513513513513514" ; :selectivity "0.13513513513513514" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 5 triples" ; dc:title "TH010" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.13513513513513514" ; :selectivity "0.13513513513513514" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 3 triples" ; dc:title "TH011" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.08108108108108109" ; :selectivity "0.08108108108108109" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 4 triples" ; dc:title "TH012" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.10810810810810811" ; :selectivity "0.10810810810810811" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 2 triples" ; dc:title "TH013" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "company1" ] ; :probability "0.05405405405405406" ; :selectivity "0.05405405405405406" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 1 triple" ; dc:title "TH014" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "person1@msn.com" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.02702702702702703" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 4 triple" ; dc:title "TH015" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.10810810810810811" ; :selectivity "0.10810810810810811" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 1 triple (the effective probability is lower than the min 0.021913805697589)" ; dc:title "TH016" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.02702702702702703" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 2 triples" ; dc:title "TH017" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.02921840759678598" ; :selectivity "0.05405405405405406" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 1 triple (the effective probability is lower than the min: 0.02629656683711)" ; dc:title "TH018" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.02702702702702703" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 0 triple (probability is never less then the probability of matching one triple)" ; dc:title "TH019" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 2 triple" ; dc:title "TH020" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "person2@msn.com" ] ; :probability "0.05405405405405406" ; :selectivity "0.05405405405405406" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 2 triple (the effective probability is lower than the min: 0.013148283418553)" ; dc:title "TH021" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y" ; :object "person2@msn.com" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.05405405405405406" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 1 triple " ; dc:title "TH022" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "" ; :object "?z" ] ; :probability "0.08108108108108109" ; :selectivity "0.08108108108108109" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 1 triple (the effective probability is lower than the min: 0.00438276113952)" ; dc:title "TH023" ; :triple1 [ :subject "?x" ; :predicate "" ; :object "person2@msn.com" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.02702702702702703" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 1 triple (the effective probability is lower than the min: 0.00118453003771)" ; dc:title "TH024" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "person2@msn.com" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.02702702702702703" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The pattern matches 0 triples" ; dc:title "TH025" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "" ; :object "person2@msn.com" ] ; :probability "0.02702702702702703" ; :selectivity "0.0" . rdf:type :TestCase ; rdfs:comment "The probabilistic data model does not support probabilities of joined triple patterns, return probability 1.0" ; dc:title "TH026" ; :triple1 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y1" ; :object "?z1" ] ; :triple2 [ :subject "" ; :predicate "?y2" ; :object "?z2" ] ; :probability "1.0" ; :selectivity "0.07304601899196493" .