# (c) Copyright 2001-2003, Hewlett-Packard Company, all rights reserved. @prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix dc: . @prefix : . <> rdfs:comment "Manifest vocabulary for test cases" ; dc:creator "Andy Seaborne" ; dc:subject "" ; dc:publisher "Hewlett-Packard Laboratories" ; dc:title "Test case manifest vocabulary" ; dc:description "" ; dc:date "2003-03" ; dc:format "RDF" ; dc:identifier : ; #:-) . ## ---- Class declarations ---- :Manifest a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "The class of manifests" . :ManifestEntry a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "One entry in a list of entries" . ## ---- Property declarations ---- :entries a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to a list of entries" ; rdfs:domain :Manifest ; rdfs:range rdf:List ; . # One entry :name a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "Optional name of this entry" ; rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; . :action a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "The input to the test" ; rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ; # rdfs:range ?? ; . :input = :action . :result a rdf:Property ; rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to a list of entries" ; rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ; # rdfs:range ?? ; . :output = :result .