Issues and known defects

Please e-mail me if any of these issues are important to you, and I will try to prioritise fixes.

Memory Leak

The interaction between ARP and Xerces seems to include a significant memory leak possibly caused by Xerces interning some strings, on behalf of ARP. This feature cannot be turned off. This is not a new bug, so ARP users will not experience a degradation in performance. However, for users who have limited memory, or who are processing large files, or files from many diverse sources, or for long-lived applications such as web servers, it is important to be aware of this leak. I believe that the strings being interned correspond to the XML element tags and attribute names in the XML document. These form an open set in RDF/XML, unlike most XML applications.

A potential work around is to use a SAX parser other than Xerces and then use SAX2Model or SAX2RDF to parse the SAX event stream as RDF.

The size of the leak is presumably highly dependent on the actual RDF/XML documents read. As an example the OWL Guide wine ontology, (using the version from the OWL Test Cases) contains about 2000 triples and leaks about 180K.