Jena 2
A Semantic Web Framework

Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Bristol


Jena is a Java framework for writing Semantic Web applications.  It features:

ARP - Jena's RDF/XML Parser
ARP aims to be fully compliant with the latest decisions of the RDF Core WG. The Jena 2.0 version is compliant with the Editor's Working Drafts at time of release. ARP is typically invoked using Jena's read operations, but can also be used standalone.
The Jena2 persistence subsystem implements an extension to the Jena Model class that provides persistence for models through use of a back-end database engine. Jena2 is largely backwards-compatible for Jena1 applications with the exception of some database configuration options. However, the persistence subsystem has been largely reimplemented for Jena2. In particular, Jena2 uses a different database layout than Jena1 that enables trade-offs between retrieval time and disk space usage. Jena2 also supports a Fastpath capability for RDQL queries that dynamically generates SQL queries to perform as much of the RDQL query as possible within an SQL database engine. See the persistence documentation for more details.
Reasoning Subsystem
The Jena2 reasoner subsystem includes a generic rule based inference engine together with configured rule sets for RDFS and for the OWL/Lite subset of OWL Full. These reasoners can be used to construct inference models which show the RDF statements entailed by the data being reasoned over. The subsystem is designed to be extensible so that it should be possible to plug a range of external reasoners into Jena, though worked examples of doing so are left to a future release. See the reasoner documentation for more details.
Of these components, the underlying rule engine and the RDFS configuration should be reasonably stable. The OWL configuration is preliminary and still under development.
Ontology Subsystem
The Jena2 ontology API is intended to support programmers working with ontology data based on RDF. Specifically, this means support for OWL, DAML+OIL and RDFS. A set of Java abstractions extend the generic RDF Resource and Property classes to model more directly the class and property expressions found in ontologies using these languages, and the relationships between these classes and properties, and the individuals created from them. The ontology API works closely with the reasoning subsystem to derive additional information that can be inferred from a particular ontology source. Given that ontologists typically modularise ontologies into individual, re-usable components, and pulish these on the web, the Jena2 ontology subsystem also includes a document manager that assists with process of managing imported ontology documents. See the ontology documentation for more details.
RDQL query language
RDQL is a query language for RDF data. The implementation in Jena is coupled to relational database storage so that optimized query is performed over data held in a Jena relational persistene store.
See RDQL Tutorial.  Also see RDQL_Usage.html, RDQL_Examples.html and rdql_grammar.html for condensed documentation.


Documentation is to be found in the doc/ directory of the Jena download.

The latest documentation is available at



The Jena distribution includes some convenience applications.

jena.rdfcopy will read an RDF file in either RDF/XML, N3 or n-triple format and write it to standard out in either RDF/XML, N3 or n-triple format. It can be used to translate between different RDF serialization formats.

jena.rdfcompare will read two RDF files, in either RDF/XML, N3 or n-triple format and test whether they are equal.

jena.rdfquery will execute an RDQL query on an RDF data file, in either RDF/XML or n-triple format and print the table of results in text or HTML. It can also be used to query a Jena model held in a BerkeleyDB persistent store.

jena.rdfparse is command line interface to the ARP RDF/XML parser.

jena.n3 is a command line interfacec to Jena's N3 parser.

jena.schemagen takes and RDF Schema or OWL ontologies and generates Java source code for a constant class containing constants for all the classes and properties defined in that schema.

These programs can be set use use a proxy to traverse a firewall by setting system properties. To use a socks proxy include the following in the command line:


To use an http proxy include the following on the command line:

   -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=<your-proxy> -DproxyPort=<your-proxy-port-number>


Jena is distributed under a BSD-style open source license.

It includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (, both in the form of jar files and source code.


Jena is built on top of other sub-systems which we gratefully acknowledge: