Jena2 Database Interface - Open Issues

28 August, 2003

Open Issues

Persistent Model Interface
There are three different mechanisms for creating persistent models. Users are encouraged to use the factory methods for creating models (ModelMaker and ModelSpec). However, this is a new mechanism that does not yet support all the required functionality for persistent models. The ModelRDB class has methods for constructing Jena2 persistent models. It also has Jena1-compatible methods for creating persistent models. These ModelRDB methods are deprecated but may still be needed by applications until the ModelMaker mechanism is fully functional.
Namespace Prefix vs. URI Compression
Jena2 provides persistence for namespace abbreviations. However, this mechanism is separate from the URI compression scheme. This means that the same URI prefix (namespace) may be stored in two different places or a URI may be encoded in two different ways. It might be convenient if a common mechanism were used so that URI compression might reuse existing namespace abbreviations. It is unclear if there is a significant performance impact.
Fastpath Testing
The Fastpath code for RDQL query processing is not thoroughly tested and missing significant capabilities. If problems are found or suspected, the Fastpath code can be disabled. See Fastpath for details on doing this.

Known Bugs

There are many unknown bugs. Unfortunately, we have not had time to do as much testing as we would have liked. Please do not hesitate to contact us on the jena-dev or jena-devel lists when you suspect a problem.