------------------------ And here goes the fix (I gues it was developers mistype to return instead of modifying the input buffer) Buggy code is remd out: private String mergePathsRemoveDots(String basePath) { int slash = basePath.lastIndexOf('/'); StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); if (slash!=-1) output.append(basePath.substring(0,slash+1)); if (base.dotsOK()&&rel.dotsOK()) { String relPath = rel.getRawPath(); if (relPath.startsWith("./")) { //return basePath + relPath.substring(2); relPath = relPath.substring(2); //fix by marcus } while (relPath.startsWith("../")) { relPath = relPath.substring(3); removeLastSeqment2(output); } if (relPath.equals("..") ) { relPath = ""; removeLastSeqment2(output); } if (relPath.equals(".") ) { relPath = ""; } output.append(relPath); return output.toString(); } output.append(rel.getRawPath()); return removeDotSegments(output.toString()); } -----Original Message----- From: Marko Martin Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 9:46 AM To: '' Subject: IRI.resolve ./ question - maybe lame question maybe bug report ? Hi there. We are evaluating Java APIs conforming to (or claiming conformance) RFC 3986. Your API and implementation has been evaluated as the BEST. Pseudocode: IRI(http://a/b/c/d;p?q).resolve(./) should yeald http://a/b/c/ Correct ? (based on RFC down there) However, regardless How do I write the code I always get http://a/b/c/d;p no warnings of violations Please any comments on this issue ? (even JDK buggy resolves this as expected) RFC: 5.4 Reference Resolution Examples Within a representation with a well defined base URI of http://a/b/c/d;p?q a relative reference is transformed to its target URI as follows. ________________________________________ Page 36 5.4.1 Normal Examples "./" = "http://a/b/c/" ------------------------ My code snipped: String base="http://a/b/c/d;p?q"; String reference="./"; String expected="http://a/b/c/"; IRIFactory fact=IRIFactory.iriImplementation(); IRI b=fact.construct(base); IRI r=fact.construct(reference); IRI o=b.resolve(r); out.write(o.toString()); out.write("
"); out.write(r.toString()); out.write("
"); out.write(expected+"
"+o.toString().equals(expected)); out.write("
"+b.hasViolation(true)); out.write("
"+r.hasViolation(true)); out.write("