# # configuration file for RDFtoTable which describes the table # to create from the contributions RDF data. # # $Id: table.n3,v 1.1 2005-04-15 15:24:06 chris-dollin Exp $ # @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix tt: . @prefix dc: . @prefix st: . st:contributions tt:columns ( st:Name st:ByteSize st:TripleSize st:BytesTime st:XMLTime st:TripleTime st:GraphTime st:FullTime ) . st:Name tt:displays ([tt:property rdfs:label]); rdfs:label "file" . st:ByteSize tt:displays ([tt:property st:countBytes]) ; rdfs:label "#bytes" . st:TripleSize tt:displays ([tt:property st:countTriples]) ; rdfs:label "#triples" . st:BytesTime tt:displays ([tt:property st:timeReadBytes]); rdfs:label "read bytes" . st:TripleTime tt:displays ([tt:property st:timeReadTriples]); rdfs:label "read triples" . st:GraphTime tt:displays ([tt:property st:timeReadGraph]); rdfs:label "read graph" . st:XMLTime tt:displays ([tt:property st:timeReadXML]); rdfs:label "read XML" . st:FullTime tt:displays ([tt:property st:timeParseRDF]); rdfs:label "read RDF" .