]> This ontology represents the OWL-S service description for the BravoAir web service example. BravoAir_ReservationAgent_A This service provide flight reservations based on the specification of a flight request. BravoAir_ReservationAgent_B This service provide flight reservations based on the specification of a flight request. BravoAir_ReservationAgent_C This service provide flight reservations based on the specification of a flight request. This is the top level process for BravoAir BravoAir_Process is a composite process. true &concepts;#Airport &concepts;#Airport &concepts;#FlightDate &concepts;#FlightDate &concepts;#RoundTrip &concepts;#AcctName &concepts;#Password &concepts;#Confirmation &concepts;#FlightList &concepts;#FlightItinerary &concepts;#ReservationNumber BookFlight (Composite) Log into account and confirm reservation It is composed of a sequence whose components are 2 atomic processes, LogIn and ConfirmReservation. &concepts;#AcctName &concepts;#Password &concepts;#FlightItineraryList &concepts;#FlightItinerary &concepts;#ReservationNumber true CompleteReservation (Composite) Check whether the login succeeded This if-statement is used to verify whether the user is logged in. &concepts;#AcctName &concepts;#FlightItineraryList &concepts;#FlightItinerary &concepts;#ReservationNumber true LoggedIn(AcctName) This condition will be true if the previous PerformLogIn operation was succesful Get details such as airports, prefered time, roundtrip etc &concepts;#Airport &concepts;#Airport &concepts;#FlightDate &concepts;#FlightDate &concepts;#RoundTrip &concepts;#FlightList SelectAvailableFlight (ATOMIC) Get users prefered flight choice from available itineraries &concepts;#FlightList &concepts;#FlightItineraryList A simple class to indicate that the user has logged into an account. If an AcctName instance belongs to this class it means that the user has logged in to the account with the correct password. Invoking LogIn process may result in this situtation. Normally, the account would become NotLoggedIn after a period of time but it is not reflected in this simple description The complement of being logged in. If an incorrect password is supplied for an account name that account would be in the state of NotLoggedIn to indicate failure. LogIn (ATOMIC) LogIn process accepts two inputs AcctName and PassWord and returns a boolean value to indicate if the login operation succeeded or not. &concepts;#AcctName &concepts;#Password &xsd;#boolean LogIn Succeeded Result This result simply says that when the correct password has been supplied for the given account name then the service returns the xsd:boolean value true and the user is logged in to the system as the effect of invoking this service. true hasPassword(AcctName, Password) LoggedIn(AcctName) If the correct account name, password pair is supplied then the given account name will be logged in as the effect of this operation LogIn Failed Result This result simply says that when given password was not correct for the account and as a result the account is in NotLoggedIn state. Note that, there is a a result variable defined Correct_Password to stand for the correct password for the given account. The client does not need to know the exact value of the correct password to evaluate/validate the inCondition. When the service returns xsd:boolean value false, the client should infer that there exists another Password instance (this could be represented as a bnode) which is different from the given input value LogIn_Password. &concepts;#Password false NotLoggedIn(AcctName) ConfirmReservation (ATOMIC) Confirm selected reservation &concepts;#FlightItineraryList &concepts;#Confirmation &concepts;#FlightItinerary &concepts;#ReservationNumber Always True An empty AtomList always evaluates to true. Note that this is not equivalent to specifiying no precondition. Due to open-world semantics of OWL, it would not be possible to distinguish having no precondition from not knowing the precondition. We would need to specify a cardinality 0 restriction on precondition property to indicate that there is no precondition which would be also valid. &BravoAirGroundingWSDL; &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#GetDesiredFlightDetails_Input &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#departureAirport &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#arrivalAirport &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#outboundDate &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#inboundDate &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#roundTrip &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#FlightsFound http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315 A pointer to the WSDL operation used for GetDesiredFlightDetails &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#GetDesiredFlightDetails_PortType &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#GetDesiredFlightDetails_operation &BravoAirGroundingWSDL; &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#SelectAvailableFlight_Input &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#preferredFlightItinerary &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#availableFlightItineraryList http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315 A pointer to the WSDL operation used for SelectAvailableFlight &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#SelectAvailableFlight_PortType &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#SelectAvailableFlight_operation &BravoAirGroundingWSDL; &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#LogIn_Input &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#acctName &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#password &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#result http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315 A pointer to the WSDL operation used for SelectAvailableFlight &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#LogIn_PortType &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#LogIn_operation &BravoAirGroundingWSDL; &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#ConfirmReservation_Input &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#reservationID &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#confirm &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#reservationID_Out &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#preferredFlightItinerary http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315 A pointer to the WSDL operation used for SelectAvailableFlight &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#ConfirmReservation_PortType &BravoAirGroundingWSDL;#ConfirmReservation_operation