what eyeball is for . RDF validation is weak .. legal literals . OWL validation isn't much stronger .. unique name non-assumption .. OWL is not OOP .. sometimes the world /is/ closed .. not all errors are validation errors . Eyeball does heuristic closed-world checking eyeball reports . checks URIs for legality .. no spaces! .. applies IRI checking code . checks prefixes .. reports j.Number prefixes .. checks bindings for standard pefixes . checks class & property declarations .. declarations from imports & assumptions . checks names "belong" to namespaces . optional (and expensive) checks .. check all subjects have types .. check cardinality constraints .. check consistent types how to steer eyeball . command line .. -check models-to-check ... model can be ont model and/or RDB model .. -assume models-to-assume .. -include inspectors-by-name ... inspectors are named in config file .. -exclude inspectors-by-name .. -render renderer-by-name ... renderers named in config file ... three available by default .. -config configFile ... configured using Jena assembler files .. -root root ... root resource for assembly . gui [experimental] configuring eyeball . driven by the config file .. renderers & inspectors has short names . plug-in architecture .. inspector classes .. renderer classes futures