BRQL ==== Bristol RDF Query Language This is experimental - there is no support. Description Releases Installation ------------ Unpack zip : it unpacks into a directory. Set environment variable BRQLROOT to the path of this direrctory. There are some scripts in /bin/ - ensure they are executable and in UNIX line-end format (zipping on Windows does not make this automatic). These scripts are bash scripts and they do run under Cygwin. There are no .bat versions yet. Running from the command line ----------------------------- chmod u+x $BRQLROOT/bin/* Script "brql" runs the command line application. Simple usage: brql --data --query query brql --data 'Query string' Default output is a text teable for SELECT queries, an RDF model for DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT. Run the script with no argument to get a usage message. Testing: junit Scripts set the classpath for you based on $BRQLROOT Running as Java --------------- Put all the jars files in lib/ on your classpath. All of them, including the version of jena.jar. The brql command line application is: java -cp ..classpath.. brql.query "$@" Running the test suite: java -cp ... junit.textui.TestRunner com.hp.hpl.jena.brql.test.BRQLTestSuite A simple way to get BRQl to do something is: java -cp ..classpath.. brql.DoSomething The "DoSomething" application usually executesa few sampel queries and prints the queries and results. Other test setups - see the test package. Documentation ------------- See doc/javadoc/index.html but this is rather minimal. Don't reply on the javaodc comments in the code being in step with the running code. Misc ---- BRQL runs under ikvm ( with some changes (to BRQL and to Jena) to avoid little things in ikvm that are in progress (full UTF-8 and security) in ikvm or its needed subsystems. Changes ------- See ChangeLog.txt Integration with XML -------------------- Results out for SELECT queries in XML is supported. This can be transformed using XSLT or XQuery. A few examples in xml/