ChangeLog for BRQL ================== BRQL 0.7 -------- + Refactoring to create a public API and implemntation packages (Not complete in this release) + Added FileManager for access to system resources in the filing system or classpath Allows test data files to be located any where and indirect URLs to local copies This will migrate into the Jena codebase + Added model cache to cahe read models BRQL 0.6 -------- + Added getValue back (deprecated) for backwards compatibility + XML examples include use of XQuery. + XML result format only includes the selected variables. + Can be run on .Net using IKVM. + Added result set walker. BRQL 0.5 -------- + Changed DESCRIBE to return a single (merged) model + Fixed parser to accept all DESCRIBE queries, inc. no WHERE clause. + Fixed query printer for the above change. + Started DAWG test cases: added to TestSuite. BRQL 0.4 -------- + Better formatting of raw result sets in text form. Instead of just .toString(), it now prints as teh conventional formats for qnames, bNodes, URIs or literals. BRQL 0.3 -------- + Added XML output in a simple XML format for further transformation. See also xml/ for a stylesheet to turn results into an HTML table. Removed hardcoded HTML generation from Java code. + Added output of results in a nested structure based on the internal binding datastructure. This is like nested subqueries: it is sensitive to the precise multiple optionals interpretation which is currently result set widening. Output option rs-raw