This is the OLD codebase for ARQ1 It is superseded by ARQ2 (in SourceForge Subversion). ARQ ================================ A query processor for Jena that implements SPARQL ARQ is a complete implementation of SPARQL that can query any Jena model or graph, including ones stored in databases. Download -------- Releases : SourceForge, Project Jena : Package ARQ Also available via anonymous CVS: cvs -z3 co ARQ Online demos and services ------------------------- including a SPARQL validator Documentation ------------- Included in the download in doc/index.html Installation ------------ Unpack zip : it unpacks into a directory, including the version number. Set environment variable ARQROOT to the path of this direrctory. ARQ includes all the libraries necessary in lib/ ARQ includes a copy of Jena, the one it is tested against. Put each and every the jar file in lib/ on your classpath. Running from the command line ----------------------------- Some bash and bat scripts are provided to try out SPARQL queries: First, set environment variable ARQROOT to the root of the unzipped distibution. export ARQROOT=$PWD Second, ensure all scripts are executable chmod u+x $ARQROOT/bin/* Command line applications: sparql -- Run a SPARQL query. A wrapper around 'query'. arq -- Run an ARQ query. A wrapper around 'query'. query -- Run a query. qparse -- Parse a query qtest -- Run tests rset -- Read and write result sets (RDF, XML, JSON, text (out only)) For the 'query' command, files ending .rq are assumed to be SPARQL queries and files ending .arq are ARQ queries, unless the syntax is given explicitly. Unknown files are assumed to be SPARQL queries. sparql --data --query query sparql --data 'Query string' Default output is a text table for SELECT queries, an RDF model for DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT. Run the script with no argument to get a usage message. See doc/cmds.html for details. Check the suitablity of scripts before running them. Running commands as Java ------------------------ Put all the jars files in lib/ on your classpath. All of them, including the version of jena.jar included. The arq command line application is: java -cp ... arq.query "$@" Running the test suite: java -cp ... arq.qtest --all ARQ.Net ------- ARQ has been run under IKVM (, using IKVM to translate the bytecodes to IL and using IKVM as a JVM. Changes ------- See ChangeLog.txt Support and Questions --------------------- Comments and questions about ARQ to the Jena mailing list General questions and comments on SPARQL to jena-dev or Formal comments specific to the SPARQL query language, protocol or result set docuemnts to: