ARQ is a query processor for Jena that implements SPARQL. Announcing ARQ 1.4 - this is an upgrade to the version distributed with Jena 2.4. This distribution of ARQ includes an updated copy of jena.jar. In this release: Support for xsd:date for FILTER and ORDER BY JRuby-ARQ library Property functions improvements, including list arguments Improved extensibility framework Internal changes to make ARQ reflect the structure of SPARQL More library functions New internal serialization format Download: Home page: ARQ is also available via anonymous CVS: cvs -z3 co ARQ SPARQL is described in: Notes ----- Property functions improvements: Added support for lists as arguments to property function. New package and interface especially for property functions. Added a new serialization format: "prefix" (with a parser and serializer) which gives the clearest picture of the SPARQL abstract syntax tree. Internal changes + class renaming and structuring to be more SPARQL-like + expression evaluation is completly functional evaluation expect for for required special forms. + Support in the default query engine to make writing engines that access specialised stores, whether RDF or non-RDF, much easier. Less unnecessary details of the query engine need be handled. Transformation framework for rewriting queries and inserting adapters to other data storage systems. Example in src-examples/arq/examples/ext/ More details in ChangeLog.txt Status ------ The implementation of SPARQL is complete and meets the SPARQL last call specification. Services -------- SPARQL validator: SPARQL processor: JAR changes ----------- arq.jar ==> arq.jar and arq-extr.jar arq.jar has been split into arq.jar - the com.hp.hpl.jena.query package tree without tests and test support code. arq-extra.jar - test code, examples, command line tools. ARQ requires the version of jena.jar included in the download or a later version from Jena CVS. common-logging.jar ==> commons-logging-1.1.jar Upgraded to Apache Commons Logging 1.1 v1.0.4 common-logging.jar also works wstx-asl-2.8.jar ==> wstx-asl-3.0.0.jar Upgraded to wstx-asl-3.0.0.jar for StAX parsing. API Changes ----------- This release is primary internal changes to bring the internal structure and naming into line with the current SPARQL specification and to imporve extensibility. Applications directly manipulating the Java abstract syntax tree will be affected. There is a new class ElementBasicGraphPattern; triple patterns are collected into basic graph patterns (adapter method exist in ElementGroup to ease migration). The examples in src-example/ have been updated to new structures. (examples are also now part of the built and test process.) Removal of Query.getQueryBlock / setQueryBlock The top of a query pattern is no longer an ElementBlock. Just set the pattern to any Element: use Query.setQueryPattern Deprecated opeations will be removed after this release. Support and Questions --------------------- Comments and questions about ARQ to the Jena mailing list General questions and comments on SPARQL to jena-dev or Formal comments specific to the SPARQL query language, protocol or result set docuemnts to: