==== ARQ ToDo + rework NodeValue.sameValueAs/NodeValue.notSameValueAs Move to Functions? + Add property functions for op:* fn* + Tidy up: use Vars better hello/usage system CmdGeneral is a self-adding module. + ResultSetRewindable could be a delayed evaluation wrapper. .hasPrevious(), .previous() + Graph version of interface? + eval() and safe() and also evalFunction(functionURI, args) + Ont constructor like ResultSetStream is for Model/Resource?? Or documentation need for .getOntResource() + registry configuration files URI => URI ; URI => classname == Notes/Unfiled + Add jfn:isOneOf(?x, val1, val2, ....) as a library function Add jfn:between(?x, val1, val2) + Manifest file name with a space does not work for qtest?? + Check "FROM NAMED FROM NAMED " == Documentation + Document API (more) Document symbols Document PF's More documentation about writing extensions Describe interactions of transactions and query. Document making and using datasets Document configuration (?) javadoc for extensions And on writing_functions.html say what the interfaces are. location-mapping and FROM/FROM NAMED == Testing + TestManifestX property: plainGraphTest, valueSameAsTest etc as subclasses of QueryTest. mildly tricky as affects reading results and external datasets so must be per-test and tests don't have contexts. + Organise + Utility to find duplicate tests (hash the query) == ARQ + Property paths + Update == System + Need to be able to set options from the environment or the command line. ARQOPTS="Symbol/value,Symbol/value,..." Or symbol in the environment. arq.=true/false Command line setting? == Core + XML results: process xml:lang on other elements than just Documentation for XML result set processing + Serialization + Need to take into account subject width across multiple chunks + Using [] for bNodes + Lists (not important) + Expressions - outer level does not need () - also SortCondition + Sort by property URI in rdfs:member / seq + Either add post \u check in fixupPrefix and createVariable or do \u on input (depending on where SPARQL goes).