ARQ is a query processor for Jena that implements SPARQL. Announcing ARQ 1.3 - this is an upgrade to the version distributed with Jena 2.3. It includes an updated copy of jena.jar. In this release: Aligned to latest SPARQL spec. JSON output support More library functions Property functions improvements. Other changes: Bug fixes and general maintenance Download: Home page: ARQ is also available via anonymous CVS: cvs -z3 co ARQ SPARQL is described in: Status ------ The implementation of SPARQL is complete and meets the SPARQL last call specification. JAR changes ----------- ARQ requires the version of jena.jar included in the download or a later version from Jena CVS. There is a new jar : json.jar, which is the JAva JSON code from API Changes ----------- QueryExecutionFactory Rationalized some Static methods Other ----- See ChangeLog.txt for more details. Online Validator ---------------- Support and Questions --------------------- Comments and questions about ARQ to the Jena mailing list