ARQ is a query processor for Jena that implements SPARQL. Announcing ARQ 1.0 ARQ is a query processor for Jena that implements SPARQL. Announcing ARQ 1.1 - this is an upgrade to the version distributed with Jena 2.3. It contains some bug fixes and closer alignment to the current SPAQRL specification in the areas of evaluating expressions. There is support for xsd:decimal in FILTERs and the SPARQL syntax change whereby the term 1.4 (no quotes) is now treated as an xsd:decimal, not as an xsd:double. Download: Home page: ARQ is also available via anonymous CVS: cvs -z3 co ARQ SPARQL is described in: Status ------ The implementation of SPARQL is complete and meets the SPARQL last call specification. This release include library functions for list and container membership as well as a function to calculate the SHA1 checksum to make working with FOAF data easier. Experimental SPARQL extensions are included to retrieve RDF collection and RDF container members. JAR changes ----------- ARQ requires the version of jena.jar included in the download or a later version from Jena CVS. The following jars have been upgraded: antlr-2.7.5.jar jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar log4j-1.2.12.jar API Changes ----------- ResultSetFormatter -- This class now only has static convenience operations. Various specific formatters are in the resultset package. Other ----- + Some pretty printing of queries + Auto-loading of filter functions and ARQ extensions via java: + More library functions + Fixes. + Internal reorganisation to facilate future development See ChangeLog.txt for more details. Online demo ----------- Support and Questions --------------------- Comments and questions about ARQ to the Jena mailing list