Functions in ARQ

SPARQL allows custom functions in filter expressions so that queries can be used on domain-specific data. SPARQL defines a function by URI (or qname) in FILTER expressions.  ARQ provides a function library and supports application-provided functions.  Functions and extensions can be registered or dynamically loaded.

More functions will be added. Contributions welcome.

Function Library

The prefix jfn is <java:com.hp.hpl.jena.query.function.library.>.

Note the final dot in the prefix.

RDF Graph Functions

Function name Description
jfn:listMember(list, resource) Test whether a resource is a member of an RDF collection (AKA list)
jfn:listIndex(list, resource) Return the index of the resource in the RDF collection. Cause an evaluation exception if not a member (and so the expression will not pass the filter unless inside a value disjunction).
jfn:bagMember(bag, resource) Test whether a resource is a member of an RDF bag
jfn:seqMember(bag, resource) Test whether a resource is a member of an RDF seq
jfn:altMember(bag, resource) Test whether a resource is a member of an RDF alt
jfn:langeq(literal, lang) Compare the language tag of the literal with a language tag. Comparison reflects language tag rules so "foo"@en matches "EN-gb".
jfn:bnode(?x) Return the blank node label if ?x is a blank node.

String Functions

Function name Description
jfn:concat(string1, string2) Return the concatenation of two strings.

Mathematical Functions

Function name Description
jfn:min(num1, num2) Return the minimum of two expressions evaluating to numbers.
jfn:max(num1, num2) Return the maximum of two expressions evaluating to numbers.
jfn:round(v) Return the nearest integer value to the argument.
jfn:abs(v) Return the absolute value.
jfn:floor(v) Return the greatest integer value less than the argument (as a double).
jfn:ceiling(v) Return the smallest integer value than the argument (as a double).

Miscellaneous Functions

Function name Description
jfn:now() Current time.  Actually, the time the query started.
jfn:sha1sum(resource) Calculate the SHA1 checksum of a literal or URI.

Debugging Functions

Debugging functions can be inserted into queries as extra FILTER clauses.  They don't affect query results (they always return true) but they print information that can be helpful in understanding what's happening.

Function name Description
jfn:print(expr, ...) Print the evaluated expressions. With no arguments, prints the current solution. Always returns true.
jfn:trace(expr) Print the expression with values substituted for variables if the variable is set and print result of evaluation, including whether there was an evaluation exception. Always returns true so it does not filter based on the expression.


   FILTER jfn:print()            # Print the solution
   FILTER jfn:trace(expression)  # Evaluate and print the expression
   FILTER expression             # Now use the expression to filter solutions

Extension Library

The prefix jext is <java:com.hp.hpl.jena.query.extension.library.>.

Note the final dot in the prefix.

Extension name Description
jext:list(list, member) The argument list must be bound by this point in the query or a constant expression. If list is bound or a URI, and member a variable, generate solutions with member bound to each element in the list. If member is bound or a constant expression, test to see if a member of the list.
jext:bag(bag, member) The argument bag must be bound by this point in the query or a constant expression. If bag is bound or a URI, and member a variable, generate solutions with member bound to each element in the bag. If member is bound or a constant expression, test to see if a member of the list.
jext:seq(seq, member) The argument seq must be bound by this point in the query or a constant expression. If seq is bound or a URI, and member a variable, generate solutions with member bound to each element in the sequence. If member is bound or a constant expression, test to see if a member of the list.
jext:alt(alt, member) The argument alt must be bound by this point in the query or a constant expression. If alt is bound or a URI, and member a variable, generate solutions with member bound to each element in the alt . If member is bound or a constant expression, test to see if a member of the list.


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