(Don't rely on this list being complete!) + CONSTRUCT * where no graph + Magic Properties + Important special case : transitive properties. + ext :trans(?s, URI, ?o) + Extensions / Additional stage naming confusion + "util" split into "util" and "shared" + Command-line setting of config properties. + Documentation Alternative syntactic forms (N3 like stuff) / tutorial app_api.html needs reviewing - rest of non-tutorial documentation + NodeValue + Tidy up TestExpressionsARQ. By type By operaton (binary) + Expressions in SELECT clause (AS) SELECT (expression) AS (are the () needed?) + Long term : the need for tesing for two of a thing (validation) and non-existances e.g. Find " :p 1 ; :p 2 ." + Commands to accept windows path names "\" IRI Progress + TestItem has outlined its usefulness + NodeUtils.compareNodesByValue - check ordering of tests + SPI javadoc for extensions + testing/ARQ/ExprDatatypes has poor coverage (or is mis-named!) + Tests + Utility to find duplicate tests (hash the query) + ARQ/General - organise + Library and extension tests + Printing tests - syntax tests + equality round tripping - done in qparse TestSerialization NodeValue.asNode() tests + Test XML result sets + qtest and http: test sets. + Core [low] Consider ElementBasePattern (again) = List Better to enhance ElementGroup to auto allocate ElementBasePattern when addTriple used May break parse tree rewrite + FOAF:person describe handler + build.xml rework + Engine1 + ResultSet + package.html(?) for all the formatters. + Tidy up TextOutput for reuse. + XML results: process xml:lang on other elements than just Documentation for XML result set processing + Extensions and library Set operations Exists, in, all, difference (need graph patterns?). Generalize extensions: -- All extensions EXT [ :qname{pattern}() ] EXT [ :qname(){pattern} {pattern} ... ] // Set difference, exists EXT {pattern} :qname() -- All required / is :qname after/before? EXT :qname({pattern}|Expression, ....) + Sharing utility code with Joseki Convert: HttpContentType; check for others + Serialization + Need to take into account subject width across multiple chunks + One-conneced bNodes + Lists + Expressions - outer level does not need () - also SortCondition + SPARQL/X (via DOM/JDOM) and SPARQL/R + System + Need to ensure models are loaded once (per query execution - and wider) + Integrate a meta-model (GRAPH SYSTEM or similar design) + Build Check dist/ tree javadoc-all to website + Some way to produce binaries for command line apps GCJ/Mingw Or a "local server" for the command line.