(Don't rely on this list being complete!) + Maybe restructure NodeValue + Add sop:XYZ for builtin XYZ to the library. + Extensions: EXT :list(?x, ?item) and FILTER :isListMember(?list, ?item) + Sharing utility code with Joseki Convert: HttpContentType; check for others + Planning order: UNIONs with optionals in them. Break into constituent blocks (disjunctive normal form) and reorg. + Core + Function library maths: abs(), sqrt() floor() ceiling() + Tests + More tests + Organise DAWG tests : include manifest; copies of latest tests. + Test XML result sets + Add pattern to EXT :qname(args) { pattern } # UNSAID this way? + Engine1 + Expression optimizations + Remove mark? Check argument lists and rationalise order [low priority] + Parsing + XML serialized form parser (prototype) [low priority] + \U parsing (32 bit unicode) [Not possible for Java 1.4] + Serialization + Sort up SerilizationConext + Use ";" and "()" in ARQ/SPARQL pretty printing + Finish abstract, plain/debug and XML serialzers (prototype) [low priority] + Results Formatting: reorg + ResultSetFormatter.format(results) ResultSetFormatter.format(results, processor) String myQuery = ...; Query query = QueryFactory.getQuery( myQuery ); ResultSet results = query.exec(); ResultSetFormatter.format(results, new CustomResultSetProcessor()); + Application framework + "class QuerySelect implements ResultSet " which is an QueryExecution and a ResultSet Not worth it. + Modular formatter. Plug-ins for formats. + Redo examples; make sure documentation is right. + System + Need to ensure models are loaded once (per query execution - and wider) + Integrate a meta-model (GRAPH SYSTEM or similar design) + Build Check dist/ tree