ARQ - Command Line Applications

The arq package conatins

You will need to set the classpath or use the helper scripts to run these applications from the command line.


This is the main command for executing queries on data.  The wrappers

Just running arq,query with no arguments prints the usage message. The main arguments are:

If the query file ends .rq, it is assumed to be a SPARQL query. If it ends .arq, it is assumed to be an ARQ query.

If a data file ends .n3, it is assumed to be N3, .ttl is Turtle @@fixme@@, .nt is N-Triples; otherwise it is assumed to be RDF/XML.



Parse a query and print it out.  Can be used to translate between syntaxes.


Execute a test set.

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CVS: $Date: 2005-04-23 17:06:23 $