==== The Grammars master.jj - Template for SPARQL and ARQ cpp input to produce sparql.jj or arq.jj sparql.jj - The DAWG working group syntax This should be exactly the grammar in the DAWG rec. There is a second pass to reorganise for grouped triple patterns. Generates com.hp.hpl.jena.query.parser.sparql.SPARQLParser arq.jj - The native query language of the query engine Generates com.hp.hpl.jena.query.parser.arq.ARQParser sparql-alt.jj Old grammar - the DAWG grammar until March 2005 when it changed from RDQL style triples to being more N3/Turtle-like. DEPRECATED rdql-arq.jjt RDQL for the ARQ query engine. Generates com.hp.hpl.jena.query.parser.rdql.RDQLParser ==== Making the parsers See "grammar" Note this runs cpp over master.jj to produce arq.jj or sparql.jj ==== Making the HTML sparql.txt is produced by "grammar" Run "jj2tokens sparql.jj > tokens.txt" Manually tidy, noting which to inline # this knowns which files to use jj2html > X.html ============================