ARQ - Application API


The application API is in the package: com.hp.hpl.jena.query

Other packages contain various parts of the system (execution engine, parsers, testing etc). Most applications will only need to use the main package. Only applications wishing to programmatically build queries or odify the behaviour of the query engine need use the others packages directly.

Key Classes

The package com.hp.hpl.jena.query is the main application package.

Basic example: SELECT query

See example 1

  Model model = ... ;
  String queryString = " .... " ;
  Query query = Query.create(queryString) ;
  QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model) ;
  ResultSet results = qe.execSelect() ;
  for ( ; results.hasNext() ; )
      QuerySolution soln = results.nextSolution() ;
  qexec.close() ;

The query execution should be closed after use, and especially if aborting a query (not handling all the results). System resources connected to persistent storage may need to be released.

Example: formatting a result set

Example: processing results to produce a simple text presentation:

    ResultSetFormatter fmt = new ResultSetFormatter(results, query) ;
    fmt.printAll(System.out) ;

or simply:

 ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query) ;

Example: Processing results

The results are objects from the Jena RDF API and API calls, which do not modify the model, can be mixed with query results processing:

  for ( ; results.hasNext() ; )
      // Access variables: soln.get("x") ;
      RDFNode n = soln.get("x") ; // "x" is a variable in the query
      // If you need to test the thing returned
      if ( n instanceof Literal )
          ((Literal)n).getLexicalForm() ;
          Resource r = (Resource)n ;
          if ( ! r.isAnon() )
            ... r.getURI() ...

Updates to the model must be carried out after the query execution. Typically, this involves collecting results of interest in a local datastructure and looping over that structure after the query execution has finished and been closed. 

Creating a Query

Parse errors

Expand example

Executing a Query

Execution errors

Expand example

Query Results : CONSTRUCT

Query query = Query.create(queryString) ;
QueryExecution qexec = QueryFactory.createQueryExecution(query) ;
Model model = query.execConstruct() ;

Query Results : DESCRIBE

Query query = Query.create(queryString) ;
QueryExecution qexec = QueryFactory.createQueryExecution(query) ;
Model model = query.execConstructDescribe() ;

Query Results : ASK

The operation Query.execAsk() returns a boolean value indicating whether the query pattern matched teh graph or dataset or not.

Formatting Result Sets

Formatting XML results

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CVS: $Date: 2005-02-15 11:30:34 $