Special thanks go to the following people for their contributions to this project. We also appreciate documentation, feedback, and bug reports. This is a living document that describes the key contributors to James. Last Updated October 2010.
Serge Knystautas (sergek at lokitech.com) (SK)
Serge was the original donator of the James code, which has since been massively improved by people smarter than him. He tries to answer questions on the listserv and make code contributions when he does get a rare bit of free time.
Harmeet Bedi (harmeet at kodemuse.com) (HB)
Danny Angus (danny at apache.org) (DA)
Danny is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and married father of two by night, and by day works as lead technical consultant for the Student Loans Company ltd.
Noel J. Bergman (noel at devtech.com) (NjB)
Vincenzo Gianferrari Pini (vincenzo.gianferraripini at praxis.it) [VGP]
Soeren Hilmer (sh at widetrail.dk) [SH]
Steve Brewin (sbrewin at synsys.com) [SB]
Jason Webb (jw at inovem.com) [JW]
Stefano Bagnara (apache at bago.org) [SB2]
Norman Maurer (norman at apache.org) [NM]
Bernd Fondermann (bf_jak at brainlounge.de) [BF]
Robert Burrell Donkin (rdonkin at apache.org) [RBD]
Markus Wiederkehr (mwiederkehr at apache.org)
Oleg Kalnichevski (olegk at apache.org)
Manuel Carrasco Monino (manolo at apache.org)
Eric Charles (eric at apache.org)
Many people have had a hand in James' success over the years, here we'd like to give credit to those who have made a difference and to those who have left.
Alan D. Cabrera (list at toolazydogs.com) [ADC]
Darrell DeBoer (DD)
Stephen J. McConnell (mcconnell at apache.org) (SJM)
Peter M. Goldstein (farsight at alum.mit.edu) (PG)
Pete Donald (PD)
Charles Benett (charles at benett1.demon.co.uk) (CB)
Federico Barbieri, (scoobie at systemy.it) (FB)
Stuart Roebuck, stuart.roebuck at adolos.co.uk (SR)
Ivan Seskar, iseskar at upsideweb.com (IS)
Prasanna Uppaladadium, prasanna at vayusphere.com (PU)
Gabriel Bucher, gabriel.bucher at razor.ch (GB)
Matthew Pangaro, mattp at lokitech.com (MP)
Jason Borden, jborden at javasense.com (JB)
Randy Stanard (rstanard at lokitech.com) (RS)
Contributed the James logo.
Samuel Sadek (Samuel.Sadek at kpmg.co.uk) (SS)
Stephan Schiessling (s at rapi.com) (SS2)
Eung-ju Park (colus at apache.org) (EP)
Paul Hammant (Paul_Hammant at yahoo.com) (PH)
Jeff Keyser (JKeyser at telocity.com) (JK)
Andrei Ivanov (myfam at surfeu.fi) (AI)
Brad Walker (bwalker at studentadvantage.com) (BW)
Christian Buchegger (christian.buchegger at planet-interkom.de) (CB2)
Shilpa Dalmia (shilpa at postx.com) (SD)
Steve Short (sshort at postx.com) (SS3)
Aaron Knauf (aknauf at xtra.co.nz) (AK)
Serge "Sergei" Sozonoff (serge at globalbeach.com) (SS4)
Kai Londenberg (kai.londenberg at my-vwclub.de) [KL]
Mark Imel (james at imelshire.com) [MI]
Kevin Schmidt (ktschmidt at earthlink.net) [KS]
Hontvari Jozsef (hontvari2 at solware.com) [HJ]
Cesar Bonadio (bonadio at picture.com.br) [CB3]
Marco Tedone (mtedone at jemos.org) [MT]
Tim Stephenson (tim at thestephensons.me.uk) [TS]
Richard O. Hammer (rohammer at earthlink.net) [ROH]