What is JAMES?

The Apache JAMES Project delivers a rich set of open source modules and libraries, written in Java, related to internet mail and news which build into an advanced enterprise mail server.

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Apache projects are developed in an opencollaborative manner. All are welcome.

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Looking For...

An Enterprise Mail Server

James Server is a stable, mature and production ready email server.

A Modular Mail Platform

Developers looking for a modular mail platform on which to build should start by looking at the modules and libraries used to compose James Server 3.x.

  • JAMES Server 3
    • Is an advanced fully functioned integrated mail server
    • Is a mailet container, delegating to independent processing agents known as mailets
    • Is modular
    • Supports Spring and is moving towards OSGi
    • Retains the mature, production ready Apache Excalibur components used by Avalon
    • Supports the following protocols:
  • The Mailet subproject collects products related to mailets (mail processing components analogous to servlets). These are independent of the JAMES server and can be reused in any mailet container.
    • The Mailet API specifies mailets
    • The Mailet Basic Toolkit collects utilities and lightweight frameworks useful for developing and testing mailets
    • Standard Mailets collects general processing mailets with limited dependencies
    • Crypto Mailets collects mailets which perform cryptographic processing such as signing, encrypting, decrypting and signature verification.
  • jSPF implements SPF
  • Mime4J parses MIME typed documents (including - but not limited to - mail). APIs similar to DOM, SAX and pull parsers are exposed.
  • jSieve implements the Sieve mail filtering language
  • Postage generates mail traffic suitable for stress testing mail servers
  • MPT is a scripted functional test tool suitable for testing mail protocols.