### http://james.apache.org/server/3/ ### Thank you for testing Apache James Server 3.0-beta4! * What's new in 3.0-beta4 - see details on https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10411&version=12316850 * Quick Start http://james.apache.org/server/3/quick-start.html * Install http://james.apache.org/server/3/install.html * Configure http://james.apache.org/server/3/config.html * Manage http://james.apache.org/server/3/manage.html * Monitor http://james.apache.org/server/3/monitor.html * Upgrade from James 3.0-M2 For JPA Mailbox, database table names have changes. You have to manually migrate the database... or use the mailbox-copier to backup to maildir, recreate database from scratch, and re-copy from maildir * Develop http://james.apache.org/server/3/dev.html * Feedbacks and Questions Mailing lists http://james.apache.org/mail.html Twitter http://twitter.com/ApacheJames * Upgrade from James 2.3 http://james.apache.org/server/3/upgrade-2.3.html * Limitations Some issues are identified in some use cases with clients such as Outlook Express,... You are kindly invited to report any issue on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JAMES or on our mailing list (http://james.apache.org/mail.html)