$JAMES_ROOT/var/store This folder contains the files related to database, jcr, activemq,... needed by James. James Server default settings comes with a embedded Derby database that stores the users, domains and mailboxes (the user mails) (see store/derby folder). Of course, if you changed database.properties and still use a database for the mailboxes, you will have to look for the users, domains and mailboxes in your database, whatever, wherever it is. You can find in store folder sub-folders such as: * activemq +-brokers +-james +-blob-transfer +-outgoing +-spool The activemq component is configured to use this folder for queues (and topics if any) processing. * maildir You can configure James to use MailDir as storage for the user mailboxes. Use var/store/maildir folder to contain the user's mails. * jackrabbit You can configure James to use JCR (Java Content Repository, based on Apache Jackrabbit) as storage for the user mailboxes. Use var/store/jackrabbit folder to contain the user's mails.