Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server

a.k.a. Apache James

What is it?

The Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server (a.k.a. Apache James) is a 100% pure Java server application designed to be a complete and portable enterprise mail engine solution based on currently available open protocols (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, HTTP).

Development Status

Apache James is currently under development. There is no working distribution or anything usable, yet. So, don't ask. This server will be heavily based on shared packages used by every server application developed by the Java Apache Project and we are currently trying to get those shared packages done (log system, XML configurations, abstract servlet engine, abstract protocol handler, etc...) before start coding the server itself which should "glue" together these packages.

Planned Features

These are some of the planned features:

Available resources

These are the currently available resources:

Copyright (c) 1997-98 The Java Apache Project.
$Id: index.html,v 1.1 1998/12/15 18:12:23 stefano Exp $
All rights reserved.