This is the project Bond: The admin console for James. - Assuming you have installed maven, compile and install it just running: $ mvn clean install - Run it in development mode: $ mvn gwt:run - Import and run in Eclipse: The archetype generates a project ready to be used in eclipse, but before importing it you have to install the following plugins: * Google plugin for eclipse (update-site: or 3.6 or 3.5) * Sonatype Maven plugin (update-site: Then you can import the project in your eclipse workspace: * File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace You have to configure 'Annotation Processing' in order to validate Request Factory services * Right click on the project -> Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Enable -> Enable processing in Editor -> source folder: target/generated/apt * Right click on the project -> Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path -> Add External Jar -> requestfactory-apt-2.5.1.jar Finally you should be able to run the project in development mode and to run the gwt test unit. * Right click on the project -> Run as -> Web Application * Right click on the test class -> Run as -> GWT JUnit Test - Although the project has the files .classpath and .project, you could generate them running any of the following commands: $ mvn eclipse:m2eclipse (if you like to use m2eclipse) $ mvn eclipse:eclipse (to use the project without m2eclipse) - Package and run in production. Run the following command to produce a .war file $ mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip Then you can run the project adding it to a servlet container (tomcat, jetty, glassfish etc) o running it from command line: $ java -jar target/bond-{version}.war To indicate the range of ips authorized to use the app run bond with the 'ip.range' parameter: $ java -Dip.range=10.0.0 -jar target/bond-{version}.war To indicate the folder with the james configuration files use the 'james.conf' parameter: $ java -Djames.conf=/opt/apache-james-3.0-beta4/conf -jar target/bond-{version}.war To indicate the JMX server/port running james $ java -Djames.jmx= -jar target/bond-{version}.war