<%-- this page contains a variety of demonstrations of the tags --%> <%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/i18n-1.0" prefix="i18n" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Date" %> <%@ page import="java.util.Locale" %> Examples of using the Formatting tags in the i18n Tag Library Tag <% Number n = new Double( 1234567.89 ); Date d = new Date(); %>

Default Locale (<%= pageContext.findAttribute("userLocale") %>)

<%@ include file="format_include.jsf" %>

US Locale

<%@ include file="format_include.jsf" %>


<%@ include file="format_include.jsf" %> <% String country = request.getParameter( "country" ); if ( country == null ) { country = "CH"; } String language = request.getParameter( "language" ); if ( language == null ) { language = "fr"; } %>

Country: <%= country %> and Language: <%= language %>

<%@ include file="format_include.jsf" %>

<formatString> example

<% String s = "hello"; String s2 = null; %>

A non-null String is:

A null String is: