@echo off setlocal rem Set defaults rem NOTE: (1) TP_HOME=.. works if tprocessor.cmd is started from the bin directory. rem Otherwise, set TP_HOME to point to the TProcessor installation directory, or use rem the -home argument rem if "%TP_HOME%" == "" set TP_HOME=.. set PAR= rem Process parms :LOOP if "%1" == "" goto INVOKE_ER if "%1" == "-?" goto HELP if "%1" == "-h" goto HELP if "%1" == "-help" goto HELP if "%1" == "-home" goto SET_HOME if "%1" == "-infile" goto SET_INFILE if "%1" == "-outfile" goto SET_OUTFILE goto SET_PAR :SET_PAR set PAR=%PAR% %1 shift goto LOOP :SET_HOME shift set TP_HOME=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_INFILE shift set ER_INFILE=-infile %1 shift goto LOOP :SET_OUTFILE shift set ER_OUTFILE=-outfile %1 shift goto LOOP rem Invoke the report :INVOKE_ER set OPTS= set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.home="%TP_HOME%" set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xms100M -Xmx200M if "%ER_INFILE%" == "" set ER_INFILE=-infile %TP_HOME%\testsuite\junit\testcasesresults.xml if "%ER_OUTFILE%" == "" set ER_OUTFILE=-outfile %TP_HOME%\testsuite\junit\testErrorsReport.txt set CLASSPATH= call cpbuild %TP_HOME%\lib set CLS=org.apache.slide.testsuite.testtools.tprocessor.TErrorsReport %ER_INFILE% %ER_OUTFILE% goto EXEC :EXEC @echo on "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %OPTS% %CLS% %PAR% @echo off goto END :HELP echo. echo Usage: terrorsreport [options] echo. echo Options: echo -infile ^ (default: %TP_HOME%\testsuite\junit\testcasesresults.xml) echo -outfile ^ (default: %TP_HOME%\testsuite\junit\errors.txt; echo also allowed: stdout, stderr) echo. goto END :END endlocal