NOT-YET-STANDARD Extensions to the WVCM (JSR-147) API


by PeterNevermann, Software AG




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-> doSearch method




This extension allows clients to perform queries. It mainly exposes the WebDAV/DASL functionality within WVCM.


Queries can be property-based and/or content-based.


Property-based queries select resources by their property values. The usual operators are supported: EQ (=), GT (>), GE (>=), LT (<), LE (<=) and LIKE (~).


Content-based queries select resources by their content. Supported operators are CONTAINS (for text resources, selecting content containing a specified substring) and XPATH (particularly for XML content, selecting content according to the specified XPath filter).

The scope of a query (set of resources to be searched) is generally given by a subtree of the URI space.


In order to issue a query, a doSearch request is applied to the root Resource of the scope-defining subtree of the query (normally a Folder). A doSearch request returns a List of Resource objects and takes 2 arguments:

- wanted properties (PropertyNameList, which allows to specify the properties the resulting Resource objects are to be loaded with), and

- search token (SearchToken, which specifies the properly query).


Each of these arguments may be null: a null PropertyNameList argument means, that no property values are loaded for the resulting resources; a null SearchToken argument means that no filtering takes place, i.e. all resources in the scope of the query are returned. [A doSearch request with null SearchToken argument is similar to a doReadProperties request.]


Within a doSearch request and when querying XML content, the PropertyNameList argument may contain a special type of AttributeName, so called XPath-based pseudo-attributes (or pseudo-attributes for short). Such a pseudo-attribute is defined, by supplying an attribute name and an XPath expression which, evaluated on the resource content, yields the attribute value. So, pseudo-attributes are used to expose fragments of the XML content as attribute values, allowing sorting for instance. NOTE, that pseudo-attributes are not modifiable via setAttribute and doWriteProperties!


A SearchToken is defined through four parameters:

- search condition (SearchCondition)

- sorting criteria (SortCriterion[])

- depth, to limit the scope of the query (Depth)

- limit, to limit the number of returned results (Integer)


The SearchCondition consists mainly of an expression. There are three types of expression: PropertyExpression, ContentExpression and NestedExpression.


A PropertyExpression is used to select resources by property values, e.g. (see above for supported operators):


- DISPLAYNAME ~ "%.xml"  (wildcard characters according to the WebDAV/DASL specification)



A ContentExpression is used to select resources by their content, e.g. (see above for supported operators):

- <content> CONTAINS "JSR-147"

- <XML content satisfies> XPATH "/book[@author='Donna Leon']"


A NestedExpression is used to combine other expressions (including, of course, other nested expressions) by means of the logical operators AND and OR.


The following sample code builds-up a nested expression for [(DISPLAYNAME ~ "%.xml" AND <content> CONTAINS "JSR-147") OR CONTENT_LENGTH < 4000]:


Expression e1 = new PropertyExpression(PropertyName.DISPLAY_NAME, "%.xml", PropOperator.LIKE, Boolean.TRUE);

Expression e2 = new ContentExpression("JSR-147", ContOperator.CONTAINS);

Expression e3 = new PropertyExpression(PropertyName.CONTENT_LENGTH, new Integer(4000), PropOperator.LT, Boolean.FALSE);

Expression expression = new NestedExpression(

    new Expression[]{

        new NestedExpression(

            new Expression[]{

                e1, e2

            }, LogOperator.AND

        ), e3

    }, LogOperator.OR



A SortCriterion is used to sort the result set by the values of a specified property. It is defined mainly by a PropertyName and an OrderDirection flag (values: ASCENDING, DESCENDING). A SearchToken may contain multiple SortCriterion instances, in which case is first sorted by the first criterion, then by the sencond one, and so on.


The Depth parameter is used to limit the scope of the query in depth. Possible values are: ZERO, ONE and INFINITY.


Finally, the limit parameter is used to limit the result set. For example, specifying a limit of 10 causes only the first 10 results to be returned.



Access Control:


Links to the Javadoc


-> doReadAccessControlList method

-> doWriteAccessControlList method

-> getOwner method (OWNER property)

-> getPrincipalFolderList (PRINCIPAL_FOLDER_LIST property)

-> getPrivilegeFolderList (PRIVILEGE_FOLDER_LIST property)

-> getSupportedPrivilegeList (SUPPORTED_PRIVILEGE_LIST property)





This extension permits a client to read and modify access control lists that instruct a server whether to allow or deny operations upon a resource by a given principal. It mainly exposes the WebDAV/ACL functionality within WVCM.


The underlying principle of access control is that who you are determines what operations you can perform on a resource. The "who you are" is defined by a Principal object.


Special types of Principal are Group and Role. A group is a principal that represents a set of other principals. A role can be seen as a dynamically defined group of principals. A plain non-group and non-role principal is also called a "user". The relationship between users, groups and roles is defined by means of the properties GROUP_MEMBER_LIST and GROUP_MEMBERSHIP. These two properties are inverse to each other: if a user U1 is a member of the group G1, then U1 appears in the GROUP_MEMBER_LIST of G1, and G1 appears in GROUP_MEMBERSHIP of U1.


In order to specify what principals, can perform what operations on a resource, an access control list (ACL) is defined on the resource by applying a doWriteAccessControlList request. An ACL is a List of AccessControlElement (ACE) objects. An "ACE" either grants or denies a particular set of privileges for a particular Principal.


ACL Evaluation is described in the WebDAV/ACL specification, section 6.


As in the case of principals (Principal), privileges (Privilege) represent a particular type of Resource. The two Resource properties PRINCIPAL_FOLDER_LIST and PRIVILEGE_FOLDER_LIST tell the locations where principals and privileges can be accessed on the server. The property values contain the lists of folders that contain users, groups and roles (PRINCIPAL_FOLDER_LIST) and privileges (PRIVILEGE_FOLDER_LIST).


The following generic Principal objects can be used in ACEs:

- ALL to grant or deny privileges to all principals

- SELF to grant or deny privileges on a principal resource to the user it represents

- OWNER to grant or deny privileges to the owner of a resource

- AUTHENTICATED to grant or deny privileges to unauthenticated users

- UNAUTHENTICATED to grant or deny privileges to unauthenticated users


Similarly, the generic Privilege object ALL can be used in ACEs to grant or deny all privileges to a particular Principal.


Privileges can be aggregated. The aggregation relationship between privileges is defined through the properties PRIVILEGE_MEMBER_LIST and PRIVILEGE_MEMBERSHIP, which are inverse to each other. For instance, the write privilege can aggregate the write-properties and write-content privileges. As a result, a principal has automatically the write-content privilege on a resource on which he has been granted the write privilege.


Applying a doReadAccessControlList request can retrieve the ACL of a Resource. It can be specified whether to include the inherited ACEs. An "inherited ACE" is an ACE that is dynamically shared from the ACL of another resource. When a shared ACE changes on the primary resource, it is also changed on inheriting resources. The getInheritedFrom method of an AccessControlElement specified the Resource from which the ACE was inherited.





Links to the Javadoc


-> void doLock(Timeout timeout, boolean deep) method

-> void doLock(Timeout timeout, boolean deep, boolean exclusive, String ownerInfo) method

-> void doUnlock() method

-> void doUnlock(LockToken token) method

-> List[LockToken] getLockTokens() method




This extension exposes the WebDAV locking functionality to WVCM. For terminology, refer to the WebDAV specifications.


In order to lock a Resource, a doLock request is issued. The request may fail, e.g. because it is already exclusively locked by another user. The request is expected to succeed when the Resource was not locked before, or if the resource was locked by the same user. If the request succeeds, a new LockToken is set to the Resource. The request takes four boolean arguments:

- timeout (number-of-seconds the lock will last or INFINITY)

- deep (lock the whole subtree rooted by the resource or just the resource itself)

- exclusive (exclusive or shared lock)

- ownerInfo (info about the lock owner)


A second signature of doLock without only the first two arguments issues the request with exclusive=true and ownerInfo="".


Just before a LockToken expires (due to its timeout settings), the lock owner can re-issue a doLock request in order to refresh the lock.


Lock-tokens are released by using the doUnlock request or, automatically, by expiration. For the doUnlock request to succeed, either the current user must match the Principal owning the lock, or the current user must have the unlock privilege on the resource (e.g. an administrator). Normally, the request takes no arguments. An alternate signature of doUnlock allows to specify one of the resource's shared lock-tokens to enable an administrator to release a single shared lock owned by somebody else.


Lock-tokens existing for a resource at server side are automatically retrieved when e.g. a doReadProperties, doReadContent, doSearch or doReadMemberList request is issued. The getLockToken method is used to access the LockToken instances from the resource proxy .


A LockToken instance contains the following information:

- lock-ID (an URI in the opaquelocktoken: scheme)

- exclusive (true or false)

- deep (true or false)

- owner (reference to the lock-owning Principal)

- owner-info (additional info about the owner)

- timeout (number of seconds, the timeout will still last, or INFINITE)

- lock-root (reference to the Resource where the lock is rooted)

- for-unlock-only (if true, the token is sent to the server only on doUnlock requests, otherwise on all requests)


When lock-tokens are retrieved for a resource (see above), the for-unlock-only flag is set TRUE if-and-only-if the current user does not match to the Principal owning the lock. In this case, if the resource continues locked:

- attempts to modify the resource (doWriteProperties, doWriteContent) will fail

- attempts to unlock the resource will only succeed if the current user has the unlock privilege on the resource.


In contrast, if the Resource proxy has a LockToken with for-unlock-only=FALSE, attempts to modify or unlock the resource are expected to succeed.