CONFLICT: The operation cannot be performed due to a conflict with resource state. FORBIDDEN: The provider was unable to complete the operation for an unspecified reason. ILLEGAL_LOCATION_SYNTAX: Illegal syntax for location string value INITIALIZE_CONTROLLED_BINDINGS: KEEP_CHECKED_OUT: LINEAR_ACTIVITY: MERGE_SUBBASELINES: NEW_VERSION_HISTORY: NOT_FOUND: The corresponding remote resource no longer exists or was never created. NO_CONTENT: The resource has no content. NO_LOCAL_CONTENT: The resource has no content stored locally. PROPERTY_MISSING: The requested property does not exist on the persistent resource. PROPERTY_OVERWRITE_FORBIDDEN: The property value update would overwrite an earlier change. READ_FAILED: The provider suffered an I/O failure, the operation may be retried. UNAUTHORIZED: The user is not authorized to execute the attempted operation. UPDATE_ACTIVITY_REFERENCE: VALUE_UNAVAILABLE: The property value is unavailable because it was not in the property name list when the proxy was created. VALUE_UNAVAILABLE_LOCALLY: The property value is maintained only on the server and so is not available locally. WORKSPACE_SERVER_LOCATION_UNDEFINED: The server workspace location is required to perform the operation. WRITE_FAILED: The provider suffered an I/O failure, the operation may be retried. Preconditions: ADD_MUST_BE_NEW_LABEL: The label is already in use by this resource. BAD_ACTIVITY_LOCATION: An activity cannot be created at the specified location. BAD_REPORT: Report failed since the resource does not support the specified report. BAD_VERSION: resource specified must be a version. BAD_VERSION_HISTORY: Report failed because a resource specified was not a version history. BASELINES_FROM_SAME_HISTORY: The operation failed because the server does not allow compare/merge of baselines from different baseline histories. CANNOT_ADD_TO_EXISTING_HISTORY: Cannot create a controlled resource for this version because a resource already exists at the specified location. CANNOT_CHECKIN_ALL_RESOURCES: Activity cannot be checked-in because checkin of all referenced resources failed. CANNOT_CHECKIN_FORK_DISCOURAGED: Cannot checkin since it would cause a fork and forking is discouraged CANNOT_CHECKIN_MERGE_NOT_COMPLETE: The resource being checked-in is in the process of being merged. CANNOT_CHECKOUT_FORKING_IS_FORBIDDEN: Failed to checkout the resource because a descendent exists and forking is forbidden. CANNOT_CHECKOUT_MULTI_CHECKOUT_IS_DISCOURAGED: Failed to checkout resource because multiple checkout is discouraged and the caller did not specify fork-ok. CANNOT_CHECKOUT_MULTI_CHECKOUT_IS_FORBIDDEN: Checkout of an already checked-out resource is forbidden. CANNOT_COPY_FOLDER_VERSION: Failed because the resource specified is a folder version. CANNOT_COPY_HISTORY: Copy failed because you cannot copy a history resource. CANNOT_CREATE_RESOURCE_MUST_BE_NULL: Failed because a resource already exists at the specified location. CANNOT_CREATE_WORKSPACE_AT_LOCATION: A workspace cannot be created at the specified location. CANNOT_DELETE_VERSION: Delete failed because you cannot delete a version. CANNOT_DEPTH_UPDATE: Could not update all resources matching the depth header. CANNOT_FORK: A fork in the version tree is not allowed. CANNOT_HAVE_CONTROLLED_MEMBERS: baseline control failed because the folder already has controlled resources. CANNOT_HAVE_LABEL_AND_APPLY_TO_VERSION: Request failed because both a label and apply to version were specified. CANNOT_HAVE_MULTIPLE_BASELINE_CONTROLLED_FOLDERS: A baseline controlled folder already exists in this workspace for this baseline history. CANNOT_MERGE_CHECKED_OUT_RESOURCE: Merge failed because source identified or contains a checked-out resource. CANNOT_MERGE_CHECKOUT_NOT_ALLOWED: Failed to perform the merge because the target could not be checked-out. CANNOT_MODIFY_CHECKED_IN_PARENT: Operation failed to modify a resource because it's parent folder is a checked-in controlled folder. CANNOT_MODIFY_CONTROLLED_CONFIGURATION: The operation failed because the resource is a member of a checked-in controlled configuration and auto versioning is not enabled. CANNOT_MODIFY_CONTROLLED_CONTENT: Cannot modify the content of a checked-in resource. CANNOT_MODIFY_CONTROLLED_PROPERTY: Cannot modify the properties of a checked-in resource. CANNOT_MODIFY_DESTINATION_CHECKED_IN_PARENT: Move failed because the destination is a checked-in controlled folder. CANNOT_MODIFY_PROTECTED_PROPERTY: Operation failed because it attempted to set a protected property. CANNOT_MODIFY_VERSION: Failed to modify content/properties because the resource specified was a version. CANNOT_OVERWRITE_BY_AUTO_UPDATE: Failed to checkin this resource because auto update does not reference a controlled resource whose checked-in version is not the same as, or a predecessor of this resource. CANNOT_REMOVE_LABEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST: Cannot remove the specified label because it does not used by this resource. CANNOT_RENAME_HISTORY: A version history cannot be renamed. CANNOT_RENAME_VERSION: A version resource cannot be renamed. CANNOT_RENAME_WORKING_RESOURCE: Failed to move because the resource to be moved is a working resource. CANNOT_RERTIEVE_SUPPORTED_PROPERTY: Failed to retrieve a property that should be supported. CANNOT_UNCHECKOUT_NOT_CHECKED_OUT_RESOURCE: Uncheckout failed, resource was not a checked-out controlled resource. CANNOT_UPDATE_BASELINE_FOLDER: The members of a baseline folder cannot be modified. CANNOT_UPDATE_MEMBERS_ARE_CHECKED_OUT: Update failed because members of the controlled configuration are checked-out. CHECKOUT_OF_VERSION_WITH_DESCENDANT_IS_DISCOURAGED: Failed to checkout because descendent already exists and forking is discouraged. CONTROLLED_CONFIGURATION_ALREADY_EXISTS: This folder already has a controlled configuration. MUST_BE_CHECKED_IN: The operation failed because the resource must be in the checked-in state. MUST_BE_CHECKED_OUT: The operation failed because the resource must first be checked-out. MUST_SELECT_VERSION_IN_HISTORY: Label failed to select a version in the history of the specified controlled resource. NOT_AN_ACTIVITY: Resource specified was not an activity. NOT_A_BASELINE: Operation failed because the resource passed in was not a baseline. NO_CHECKED_OUT_BASELINE_CONTROLLED_FOLDER_MEMBERS: Failed to checkin the controlled configuration because some of it's members are still checked-out. ONE_CHECKOUT_PER_ACTIVITY_PER_HISTORY: Failed because more than one version of this resource is referenced in the specified activity. ONE_CONTROLLED_RESOURCE_PER_HISTORY_PER_WORKSPACE: The operation failed because it would result in more than one controlled resource for this version history in a workspace. ONE_VERSION_PER_HISTORY_PER_BASELINE: Cannot checkin the controlled configuration because more than one member exists for a given version history. VERSION_HISTORY_IS_NOT_TREE: Cannot checkin because the resources predecessors are not descendents of the root of the version history. Postconditions: APPLY_REQUEST_TO_LABELED_VERSION: Operation could not be carried out on the version identified by the specified label. AUTO_CHECKIN_FAILED: Unlock failed to automatically checkin the resource. CANNOT_ADD_OR_SET_LABEL: Adding or setting the specified label failed. CANNOT_ADD_TO_HISTORY: The new version could not be added to the version history. CANNOT_APPLY_TO_CHECKED_IN_VERSION: Failed to create a working resource based on checked-in resource. CANNOT_AUTO_CHECKOUT: The operation failed to modify the resource because auto checkout failed. CANNOT_AUTO_CHECKOUT_CHECKIN: The request to modify the resource failed to auto checkout and checkin the resource. CANNOT_AUTO_UPDATE: Checkin failed to update a controlled resource specified in the auto update property. CANNOT_CANCEL_CHECKED_OUT: Uncheckout failed to reset the state of the controlled resource. CANNOT_CHANGE_EXISTING_CHECKED_IN_OUT: The operation changed an existing controlled resource. CANNOT_CHECKIN_ACTIVITY: Failed to checkin all checked-out resources in the activity checkout set. CANNOT_CHECKIN_ACTIVITY_RESOURCES: Failed to checkin all checked-out resources in the activity checkout set. CANNOT_CHECKOUT_FOR_MERGE: Target needed to be checked-out for merge but it failed. CANNOT_CHECK_IN: The resource could not be checked-in. CANNOT_CHECK_OUT: Checkout operation failed to checkout the controlled resource. CANNOT_CONTROL_FOLDER_MEMBERS: Failed to checkin the folder version. CANNOT_CREATE_BASELINE_FOLDER: Checkin of a controlled configuration failed to create a new baseline folder. CANNOT_CREATE_CONTROLLED_CONFIGURATION: Failed to create a new controlled configuration. CANNOT_CREATE_NEW_BASELINE: Baseline control failed to create a new baseline. CANNOT_CREATE_NEW_CONTROLLED_RESOURCE: Failed to create a new controlled resource. CANNOT_CREATE_NEW_RESOURCE: Copy failed to create new resource when copying a controlled resource. CANNOT_CREATE_VERSION: Checkin failed to create a new version. CANNOT_CREATE_WORKING_RESOURCE: Failed to create working resource. CANNOT_DELETE_RESOURCE: Failed to delete the resource. CANNOT_DELETE_VERSION_REFERENCE: Delete failed to remove all outstanding merge references to the resource. CANNOT_DELETE_VERSION_SET: The operation failed to delete all versions in the version set. CANNOT_DELETE_WORKSPACE_MEMBERS: he workspace could not be deleted because members still reference it. CANNOT_INITIALIZE_ACTIVITY: Failed to create or initialize the activity. CANNOT_INITIALIZE_ACTIVITY_SET: The activity set of the checked-out resource could not be initialized. CANNOT_INITIALIZE_BINDINGS: Failed to initialize the bindings in the folder. CANNOT_INITIALIZE_CONTENT_AND_PROPERTIES: Failed to set content or properties of new version. CANNOT_INITIALIZE_NEW_CONTROLLED_FOLDER: Folder version specified but failed to setup members/bindings at the destination. CANNOT_INITIALIZE_PREDECESSOR_SET: Checkout failed to initialize the predecessor set of the checked-out resource. CANNOT_INITIALIZE_UNRESERVED: Could not set the unreserved property of the resource. CANNOT_INITIALIZE_WORKSPACE: Failed to create or set properties on the new workspace resource. CANNOT_MERGE_ANCESTOR_VERSION: Merge modified an ancestor of the merge source. CANNOT_MERGE_BASELINE: Failed to merge baseline. CANNOT_MODIFY_PROPERTIES: The report failed because it modified resources properties. CANNOT_MOVE_INTO_WORKSPACE: Failed to move a resource into a new workspace. CANNOT_MOVE_WORKSPACE: Workspace was moved but failed to update all references to the workspace. CANNOT_PRESERVE_VERSIONING_PROPERTIES: Failed to preserve the properties when moving a resource. CANNOT_PUT_UNDER_CONTROL: Failed to put the resource under control. CANNOT_REMOVE_LABEL: Failed to remove label from the specified resource. CANNOT_REPORT_PROPERTIES: The specified properties cannot be reported. CANNOT_RESTORE_CONTENT_AND_DEAD_PROPERTIES: The uncheckout operation could not restore content and properties. CANNOT_SELECT_EXISTING_BASELINE: Baseline control failed to create members or set properties. CANNOT_SET_BASELINE_CONTROLLED_FOLDER_MEMBERS: Cannot correctly set the members of the baseline controlled folder. CANNOT_SET_CONTROLLED_CONFIGURATION: The folders controlled configuration property could not be set. CANNOT_UPDATE_AUTO_UPDATE: Move failed to update references to the resource in auto update properties. CANNOT_UPDATE_CHECKED_OUT_REFERENCE: Operation failed because references to the resource could not be updated. CANNOT_UPDATE_CONTROLLED_FOLDER_MEMBERS: Controlled folder was updated but members failed to be updated. CANNOT_UPDATE_DESCENDANT_VERSION: Target version is an ancestor of the source but update failed. CANNOT_UPDATE_MERGE_SET: Update of the merge set or auto merge set properties failed. CANNOT_UPDATE_SUBBASELINES: Update failed to correctly set the checked-in property of controlled configurations. CANNOT_UPDATE_VERSION_HISTORY_ROOT: Deleting a version failed to update the root of the version history. CANNOT_UPDATE_WORKSPACE_REFERENCE: Workspace was moved but references to it failed to be updated. DELETE_ACTIVITY_REFERENCE: Cannot delete activity because references to the activity could not be deleted. MODIFY_CONFIGURATION: Update request failed because member of baseline controlled folder could not be updated. UPDATE_CONTENT_AND_PROPERTIES: Update failed to set content and properties correctly. UPDATE_PREDECESSOR_SET: Delete failed to update the predecessor set of the version history. VERSIONING_PROPERTY_COPIED: A vesioning property was copied to the destination.