javax.jcr change log 18 Feb 2003 ppiegaze -------------------------- Added classes PropertyType and javax.jcr.event.EventType Converted Property.TYPE_XXX String constants to PropertyType.XXX typesafe enum Converted Event.XXX int constants to EventType.XXX typesafe enum Property.getType return changed from String to PropertyType Value.getType return changed from String to PropertyType Removed: Ticket.getSearch() Ticket.getSearch(String absPath) Added: Ticket.createQuery() Ticket.createQuery(String absPath) Ticket.getQuery(String absPath) Globally Changed: Search to Query SearchResult to QueryResult In EventType string returned by toString made intercap In PropertyType string returned by toString made intercap just like the string used in serialization Changed signature: Interface Node: << Property addProperty(String path, Value value, String type) >> Property addProperty(String path, Value value, PropertyType type) << Property addProperty(String path, Value value, String type, boolean adjustName) >> Property addProperty(String path, Value value, PropertyType type, boolean adjustName) Interface PropertyDefinition: << void setType(String type) >> void setType(PropertyType type) << String getType(); >> PropertyType getType();