@echo off setlocal rem Set defaults rem NOTE: (1) TP_HOME=.. works if tprocessor.cmd is started from the bin directory. rem Otherwise, set TP_HOME to point to the TProcessor installation directory, or use rem the -home argument rem (2) DAV_HOST, DAV_PORT and DAV_NAME identify the WebDAV Server to test, i.e. the server rem URL is http://%DAV_HOST%:%DAV_PORT%/%DAV_NAME% rem (3) TP_STORE identifies the Slide store for the TProcessor to operate on. rem (4) TP_USERS is the number of concurrent users for the multiuser testcases. rem (5) TP_ITERATIONS is the number of iterations each concurrent user performs an action. rem (6) DAV_AUTH specifies the authentication type which is enabled on the server. rem Default os=operating system. rem (4) DAV_GROUP is used for versions supporting groups and users. rem (4) DAV_DOMAIN is used for the domain specification of groups and users. rem (6) DAV_USER and DAV_PASSWORD are used for authentication against the server. rem (7) TP_WORKDB internal DB name for the store configuration required for the webdav and I18N testcases ... :-( rem (8) TP_WORKHOST internal host name the internal DB for the store configuration required for the webdav and I18N testcases ... :-( set TP_WORKDB=xdavtest set TP_WORKHOST=localhost set DAV_HOST=localhost set DAV_AUTH=default set DAV_GROUP=group set DAV_DOMAIN=localhost set DAV_USER=john set DAV_PASSWORD=john set DAV_PORT=8080 set DAV_NAME=slide set TP_STORE=files set TP_USERS=1 set TP_ITERATIONS=1 set TESTCASE_PATH= set TESTCASE_PATTERN= set XML_REFERENCE= set PAR= set TP_DEBUG=false set TP_VERBOSE=false set OPTS= if "%TP_HOME%" == "" set TP_HOME=.. rem Process parms :LOOP if "%1" == "" goto INVOKE_TP if "%1" == "-?" goto HELP if "%1" == "-h" goto HELP if "%1" == "-help" goto HELP if "%1" == "-home" goto SET_HOME if "%1" == "-davhost" goto SET_HOST if "%1" == "-davauth" goto SET_AUTH if "%1" == "-davgroup" goto SET_GROUP if "%1" == "-davuser" goto SET_USER if "%1" == "-davdomain" goto SET_DOMAIN if "%1" == "-davpassword" goto SET_PASSWORD if "%1" == "-davport" goto SET_PORT if "%1" == "-davname" goto SET_NAME if "%1" == "-store" goto SET_STORE if "%1" == "-users" goto SET_USERS if "%1" == "-iterations" goto SET_ITERATIONS if "%1" == "-workdb" goto SET_WORKDB if "%1" == "-workhost" goto SET_WORKHOST if "%1" == "-testcase" goto SET_TESTCASE if "%1" == "-pattern" goto SET_PATTERN if "%1" == "-exclude" goto SET_EXCLUDE if "%1" == "-debug" goto SET_DEBUG if "%1" == "-verbose" goto SET_VERBOSE if "%1" == "-options" goto SET_OPTIONS goto SET_PAR :SET_PAR set PAR=%PAR% %1 shift goto LOOP :SET_HOME shift set TP_HOME=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_HOST shift set DAV_HOST=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_AUTH shift set DAV_AUTH=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_GROUP shift set DAV_GROUP=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_USER shift set DAV_USER=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_DOMAIN shift set DAV_DOMAIN=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_PASSWORD shift set DAV_PASSWORD=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_PORT shift set DAV_PORT=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_NAME shift set DAV_NAME=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_STORE shift set TP_STORE=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_USERS shift set TP_USERS=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_ITERATIONS shift set TP_ITERATIONS=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_WORKDB shift set TP_WORKDB=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_WORKHOST shift set TP_WORKHOST=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_TESTCASE shift set TESTCASE_PATH=%1 shift goto LOOP :SET_PATTERN shift set TESTCASE_PATTERN=%TESTCASE_PATTERN% %1 shift goto LOOP :SET_EXCLUDE shift set TESTCASE_EXCLUDE= %TESTCASE_EXCLUDE% -exclude %1 shift goto LOOP :SET_DEBUG shift set TP_DEBUG=true shift goto LOOP :SET_VERBOSE shift set TP_VERBOSE=true shift goto LOOP :SET_OPTIONS shift set OPTS=%1 shift goto LOOP :INVOKE_TP set /A TP_ITER_SMALL=%TP_ITERATIONS%/2 if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "none" set ROOT_USER_PATH=/%DAV_NAME%/users if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "none" set DAV_USER=unauthenticated if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "none" set USER_PATH=%ROOT_USER_PATH%/%DAV_USER% if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "none" set TESTCASE_EXCLUDE=%TESTCASE_EXCLUDE% -exclude "*groupFunctional*" -exclude "*ACL*" if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "default" set ROOT_USER_PATH=/%DAV_NAME%/users if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "default" set USER_PATH=%ROOT_USER_PATH%/%DAV_USER% if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "default" set TESTCASE_EXCLUDE=%TESTCASE_EXCLUDE% -exclude "*groupFunctional*" if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "default" set ACTION_PATH=/%DAV_NAME%/actions rem >>> START *** TEMPORARY *** for Tamino only if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urmnone" set ROOT_USER_PATH=/%DAV_NAME%/administration/security/userdb if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urmnone" set DAV_USER=unauthenticated if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urmnone" set USER_PATH=%ROOT_USER_PATH%/users/%DAV_USER% if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urmnone" set TESTCASE_EXCLUDE=%TESTCASE_EXCLUDE% -exclude "*groupFunctional*" -exclude "*ACL*" if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urmnone" set XML_REFERENCE=taminoReference/ if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urm" set ROOT_USER_PATH=/%DAV_NAME%/administration/security/userdb if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urm" set USER_PATH=%ROOT_USER_PATH%/users/%DAV_USER% if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urm" set ACTION_PATH=/%DAV_NAME%/administration/security/actions if "%DAV_AUTH%" == "urm" set XML_REFERENCE=taminoReference/ rem <<< END *** TEMPORARY *** for Tamino only set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.home="%TP_HOME%" set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.host=%DAV_HOST% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.port=%DAV_PORT% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.user=%DAV_USER% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.password=%DAV_PASSWORD% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableDomainName=%DAV_DOMAIN% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableGroup=%DAV_GROUP% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableGroupsColl=groups set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableUsersColl=users set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableRolesColl=roles set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableRootUserPath=%ROOT_USER_PATH% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableUserPath=%USER_PATH% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableServerName=%DAV_NAME% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableCollection=%TP_STORE% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableUsers=%TP_USERS% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableIterationCount=%TP_ITERATIONS% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableIterationCountSmall=%TP_ITER_SMALL% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariablePerformanceIterations=%TP_ITER_SMALL% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.urlencoding=UTF-8 set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.workdb=%TP_WORKDB% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.workhost=%TP_WORKHOST% set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dhttpclient.authentication.preemptive=true set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.globalVariableXMLReference=%XML_REFERENCE% if "%TP_VERBOSE%" == "true" set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dxdav.tracingRequest=var if "%TP_DEBUG%" == "true" set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xdebug if "%TP_DEBUG%" == "true" set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xnoagent if "%TP_DEBUG%" == "true" set OPTS=%OPTS% -Djava.compiler=NONE if "%TP_DEBUG%" == "true" set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=20500,server=y,suspend=y set CLASSPATH= call cpbuild %TP_HOME%\lib if not "%TESTCASE_PATH%" == "" goto SET_SINGLE if not "%TESTCASE_PATTERN%" == "" goto SET_PATTERN goto SET_ALL :SET_SINGLE set CLS=org.apache.slide.testsuite.testtools.tprocessor.TProcessors -name %TP_HOME%\%TESTCASE_PATH% goto EXEC :SET_PATTERN set CLS=org.apache.slide.testsuite.testtools.walker.MultiTProcessorExecuter set PAR=%TESTCASE_PATTERN% if not "%TESTCASE_EXCLUDE%" == "" set Par=%PAR% %TESTCASE_EXCLUDE% goto EXEC :SET_ALL set CLS=junit.textui.TestRunner set PAR=org.apache.slide.testsuite.testtools.walker.TProcessorTestExecuter goto EXEC :EXEC @echo on set JAXP=-Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl rem set JAXP=-Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.crimson.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl echo %CLASSPATH% "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %JAXP% %OPTS% %CLS% %PAR% @echo off goto END :HELP echo. echo Usage: tprocessor [options] echo. echo Options: echo -davauth ^ (default: none) echo -davuser ^ (default: root) echo -davdomain ^ (default: localhost) echo -davpassword ^ (default: root) echo -davhost ^ (default: localhost) echo -davport ^ (default: 8080) echo -davname ^ (default: slide) echo -store ^ (default: files) echo -users ^ (default: 1) echo -iterations ^ (default: 1) echo -testcase ^ (relative to the home directory) echo -pattern ^ (wildard is *, file separator is \\) echo -exclude ^ (wildard is *, file separator is \\) echo. echo The -davauth option specifies whether authentication is enabled at server side. echo If both, -testcase and -pattern are omitted, all testcases are executed. echo. echo Examples: echo (1) Execute all testcases echo tprocessor echo. echo (2) Execute one specific testcase echo tprocessor -testcase \testsuite\junit\xmltestcases\copy\code\copy201.xml echo. echo (3) Execute all XML testcases which start with 'copy' echo tprocessor -pattern *\\copy*.xml echo. echo (4) Execute all XML testcases which are bellow \testsuite\junit\xmltestcases\copy echo tprocessor -pattern *\\copy\\*.xml echo. goto END :END endlocal