The Jakarta Project The Jakarta Slide Project

Slide Tag Library Examples

The Jakarta Slide project includes JSP tag libraries to support the creation of web-based presentation layers accessing and displaying content stored in Slide repositories.

To keep the tag library code lean, we have to decided to rely on existing tag libraries to support basic functionality like iteration and conditionals. Two such libraries are currently supported: Struts 1.x and the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) Early Access releases. The Slide Tag Library cannot effectively be used on its own, but requires one of the above fundamental libraries.

The following examples demonstrate the features of the Slide tag library, and its integration with the tag library providing the common functionality.

Slide-Struts Tag Library

The Slide tag library based on Apache Struts is intended to integrate well with the fundamental tags as well as the application framework provided by Struts. As such, it works on servlet containers that only implement version 1.2 of the JSP specification.

  • <slide:node>: Accessing nodes in a namespace Execute  Show Source
Slide-JSTL Tag Library

This variant of the Slide tag library is based on JSR-052, the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). You can get the early access releases of the reference implementation at Jakarta Taglibs. Please note that JSTL requires a Java Sevrlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 compliant servlet container (like Tomcat 4).

You will need to provide a couple of libraries by copying them to the WEB-INF/lib directory of this web-app:

jaxen-full.jar Jaxen -  The XPath engine used by the JSTL XML tag library.
saxpath.jar SAXPath -  XPath API used by Jaxen.

You'll also need a JAXP-based XML-Parser and XSLT-Processor to run some of the examples (see The Apache XML Project for distributions of Xerces and Xalan). Apart from those, the JAR files standard.jar, slide-taglib-common.jar and slide-taglib-jstl.jar should be already included in this web-app.

  • <slide:content> and the JSTL XML tags   Execute  Show Source