# general app.title=Apache Slide 1.0.16 app.welcome=Welcome to Apache Slide. home.title=Home namespace.label=Namespace: browse.label=View edit.label=Edit administer.label=Admin # messages domain.text=The Slide Domain contains the following namespaces: manager-conf.text=To access the Tomcat manager web application, the conf/tomcat-users.xml file must be edited, and a user with role manager must be defined. slide-conf.text=To edit or administer a Slide namespace, one user with root privileges should be present in the namespace. For example, it can be done for the default namespace by editing the conf/slide/slide.data file and uncommenting the indicated element. view.text= namespace, by accessing port 8080 using the path / edit.text=After completing the configuration steps described above, the namespace can be edited using WebDAV by any user defined in the namespace by accessing port 8081 using the path / admin.text=After completing the configuration steps described above, the namespace can be administered by accessing port 8082 using the path / defaultnamespace.text=Default namespace: # doc doc.title=Documentation # Tomcat doc tomcatdoc.title=TC Doc # manage manage.title=TC Manager