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Regexp Changes

This document reflects the changes between releases for the Jakarta Regexp package.

Version 1.3

  • Fixed Bug 22804: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on negated classes (VG)
  • New Feature: subst() can now process backreferences when flag REPLACE_BACKREFERENCES is set. See API docs for details. Patch provided by Tobias Schaefer. (VG)
  • Applied patches for Bug 16592: Syntax error: Too many bracketed closures (limit is 10) (VG)
  • Fixed Bug 5212, aka 14954: A bug caused by '-' in character class definition ('[...]') (VG)
  • Fixed Bug 4057: \w does not match underscore (VG)
  • Fixed Bug 1030, aka 10893: {n.m} notation work incorrect if n=0 (VG)
  • Re-visited Bug 3879: Expressions using {0,n} match 0 to n+1 times instead of 0 to n times. Now, expression "[a-z]{0,3}" matches "123abcdefg123" resulting in "" (empty string). (VG)
  • Fixed Bug 306: Why is the RE class not Serializable? (VG)
  • Applied patches for Bug 3879: Expressions using {0,n} match 0 to n+1 times instead of 0 to n times. (JSS)
  • Applied patches for Bug 7288: Bug in negative character ranges. (JSS)
  • Applied patches for Bug 986: Leading "\b" word boundary is ignored. (JSS)
  • Applied patches for Bug 3877: {n} and {n,m} not thread safe. (JSS)
  • Applied patches for Bug 8467: Number of paren pairs limited to 16 (JSS)
  • Fixed RE.grep() documentation to reflect a String[] is returned instead of an Object[].
  • New Feature: Clustering (i.e. non backref'd grouping)
  • Rebuilt website with latest Jakarta-Site dependency

Version 1.2

  • Updated to Ant 1.2 (JSS)
  • Documentation now built with Anakia (JSS)
  • Fixed bug
  • Fixed bug: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if paren is empty
  • Fixed bug: Case independent flag does not work in prefix optimization code
  • New Feature: Added flag MATCH_SINGLELINE - newlines are matched by '.'

Version 1.1

Contributions by Ales Novak:

  • RECompiler.compile() - copy on return
  • RE.matchNodes() - BOL and EOL cases if RE.MATCH_MULTILINE is specified. - Think of which prints MATCH!!!: ...... two times while in the older version only one time.
  • also contains an extension which allow to parse InputStreams, Readers and char arrays in addition to Strings. All needed modifications are only in the RE class.

Contributions by Jon S. Stevens:

  • Fix in the build system for building on NT
  • Documentation fixes / additions

Version 1.0

  • Repackaging from original contribution. No major code changes.

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